Chapter 26

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Olivia slowly looked up as soon as the policeman took her handcuffs off right after she walked into the interrogation room

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Olivia slowly looked up as soon as the policeman took her handcuffs off right after she walked into the interrogation room. For some reason, she had become a regular. A warm, silent sigh escaped her lips right after she saw Tony sitting right there on the table across her. He slowly stood on his feet as she took a step towards him, a tiny smile covering her face all of a sudden.

That was him.

The man she never knew could be so interested in making sure she had her freedom back. Her guardian angel. She could remember the first day she met him. She almost mistook him for a reporter of some sorts, from a very popular media house. At least no one could blame her for feeling that way especially since he owned one, Sun-day news. Tony wasn't only the most influential reporter the country had ever known but his company was one of the biggest. She could remember how some inmates from jail would do anything to get a copy every friday just so they could get a detailed update on what was going on outside. She could also remember how upset she was the moment he got out that card, and was at the verge of walking away right before Kemi had stopped her.

"Do you trust me?"

She remembered the police woman say those exact words to her right after she stood up. She could remember how she glared into the woman's eyes, worry and anxiety written all over her face, she remembered asking herself why?
Why these people were so interested in her. Why this woman standing in front of her was doing all she could to give back what was taken from her. If there was one person Olivia knew she could trust in that prison it was Kemi, it was the woman standing right in front of her, holding her arm.

"Then you should trust him. He knows how to help you."

Olivia could remember the warm smile on Tony's face the moment she turned right back to face him, that was the beginning of their story.

That had been the fifth time he had paid her a visit since she told him everything that had happened. Since he promised to figure out a way to help her, He did. Olivia could see Someone else sitting on the metal bench, pretending to not notice her presence. Why was he always like that? Why did he always pretend not to see anyone?

"Woah," Tony exclaimed.  "Someone looks brighter today."

They weren't even that close yet but from what Olivia had observed about this soft hearted man in front of her, it was the fact that he had this ability not most men had, the ability to make everyone around him comfortable and happy.

"Tony." She said as she stretched her hands and placed them inside his.

"I'm really sorry I missed the court hearing the other day. I kind of had this emergency I had to take care of at the office- but I heard you nailed it and we might actually be celebrating your release soon."

"It's too early to celebrate anything."

They both turned to the table and right after, a cold silence filled the room as Rafael slowly stood from where he sat and then turned to them.

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