Chapter 38

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Rafael could hear his flip flops make a whole lot of noise as he dragged his feet towards the kitchen

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Rafael could hear his flip flops make a whole lot of noise as he dragged his feet towards the kitchen. It was what staying at home all day made you, extremely lazy.

"Good morning Nanny," he greeted Benita who was busy at the counter slicing some onions.

"Rafael," she turned slowly as she watched him walk to the refrigerator. He pushed a button on it and it opened. "E buola chi?"

"Mnnn" he looked into the fridge and got out a bottle of water. He closed it right back and then turned to face Benita, resting his back on the fridge so he could keep his balance. He watched the old woman drop her knife and then turn to look at him as he gulped the water as fast as he could.

The way she looked at him, giving him all her attention, it made him so nervous. He couldn't help but feel something was up and he knew exactly what it was. He just had to wait for her to say it.

"Nnam, are you really not going to look for her?"
She asked him, her eyes glued to his forehead.

Rafael exhaled.

He would have sworn that if anyone asked him that question one more time, he'd take that knife from the counter and stab himself with it. He closed the bottle, trying to remain as calm as possible.


"I know what she did was wrong and it hurt you, I also know how you like when people listen to you and understand boundaries and your privacies but it wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault and you know that."

"Nanny, can we not do this right now please-"

"I didn't raise you like this my child."
He slowly turned to look at her "I know what you lost and I know how much it must have hurt you but I didn't teach you to be insensitive to other people's feelings."

"I wasn't insensitive to anyone's feelings nanny-"

"You kicked a woman out, a woman who literally has no where to go, into the streets of Abuja, in the middle of the night."

"It was six PM." He cut her off "Why do you guys keep saying middle of the night like it was actually in the middle of the night?" He closed his bottle "Honestly Nanny, I just had to listen to Tony preach a sermon to me about this an hour ago, and now you're trying to do the same thing . My ear is going to bleed soon if you all don't let me get past today without reminding me of yesterday."


"Nanny, can't I just really want out of all of this? Can't I just decide not to be a part of this anymore?" He stared at her. "I mean I got her out of jail didn't I? Why must I have to see to it that she gets a roof over her head or that the real murderers of her husband are found? Isn't it just okay for me to want to end it right here?"

The woman exhaled and leaned on the counter.

"I mean you could, if it's what you really want-"

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