Chapter 54

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Olivia raised her head to the glass cup filled with water stretched out in front of her. She let herself smile a little bit as she took it.

Rafael pulled the chair right beside her and turned it around so he could sit close to her, looking at her for a moment. Olivia wrapped her hand around the warm glass, three hours since the party had ended and everyone had walked away after the outburst. The hall was empty now, she had only really stopped crying and was beginning to sober up from all that alcohol. What a hell of a party.

Her head was beginning to feel really light.

"How are you feeling?" Rafael had to ask. He was really worried about her especially since she was the one that was mostly affected by the news. He knew just how much Austin meant to her and how much she trusted him, It must have hurt her so much to know how he ruined her life.

"Like a fool." She said slowly raising her head to meet his with a tiny smile on her face. Rafael let out an exhale. "I just can't believe how stupid I've been all along. All these years, I let him into my heart, into my life." She held her breath. "Into my daughter's life."

"You can't blame yourself, you couldn't have possibly known, no one did."

"But you knew." She looked into his eyes "You've always known, that's why you didn't want me close to him."

"No, that was Victoria. I only had my suspicions and after I saw him get so angry at the hospital the other day, I just had to consider the possibilities of his involvement plus with his DNA matching the results of the autopsy," Rafael clicked his tongue. There was no need to go on. "Anyway, it's all over now, you don't have to be sad or upset, everyone knows the truth, by morning the world's going to know you're innocent, they'd know you didn't do it, now you don't have to let anyone treat you like crap anymore."

And it was all because of him.
Olivia just wanted to let him know so badly. She wanted to let him know how much his hard work played an important role in her freedom, how much he had played in her freedom without even expecting anything in return. Even when he didn't have to. She wanted this man to know how important he was beginning to become to her.

How much he was starting to mean to her, how much her heart skipped beats when he was close to her, touching or holding her hands even when he didn't want to. Every single second she spent with him, how unexpectedly happy She was.

You have to tell him,
Amy's words kept ringing in her head, this was ridiculous, just what was she thinking after the crazy night she had?

She scoffed softly and looked back at her glass.

Come on Olivia, really? don't embarrass yourself anymore, now wasn't the right time.

She took a quick drink.

"You must be tired, you should go home and get some rest." Rafael continued. "Come on, I'd take you." He gently gave her thigh a gentle tap and got up quickly. He turned away.

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