Chapter 9

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Olivia looked up from her book the moment she heard the soft sound of the piano playing

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Olivia looked up from her book the moment she heard the soft sound of the piano playing.

It was "Every time" by Brittney Spears, a song she recognized. How could she not? It was one of her favorite songs. She knew exactly what this was. it was an endless cycle if she was being honest, every single time he hit her, he'd throw something nice in her face like it was supposed to fix everything.

She whirled around to the sound of her phone ringing. She didn't even have to look at the caller ID to know it was him. He had made sure of that. She reached for it and exhaled, staring at the picture of Andrew on her phone.

She drew in a deep breath as she pushed the answer icon and then placed the phone close to her ear.

"Come downstairs." Andrew ordered just before he hung up. She let out a shaky breath and then ran her fingers through her hair. She didn't want to. The last thing she needed was to be around him but she knew she didn't have a choice. The Other last thing she didn't need was another fight.

She folded the page of her book she was reading and shut the book close. The sound of the piano grew louder as she walked towards the door and after a few more notes, other instruments joined in, and then a voice.

"Notice me,take my hand; Why are we strangers when our love is strong-"

The voice sang. In another world, this would have been perfect, but this wasn't another world, and her favorite song had just become a theme song for a horror movie, a nightmare.

She climbed down the stairs, holding on to the railing for support. Her knees were shaking and her heart was racing.

"Why carry on without me?" The voice continued.

She didn't like this one bit. She felt her feet come to a halt when she walked into the dining room. She looked around the beautifully decorated room, her eyes taking the sight in front of her. They'd given the room a complete makeover. Her eyes moved from the live band at the opposite end of the room to the beautifully set dining table, everything a theme of red and white and it wasn't even Valentine's Day. How extremely pathetic.

And then her eyes fell on Andrew.

He was approaching her now with a bouquet of red roses in his hands.

She swallowed hard when he reached her.

"Your favorites." He placed the flowers in her hands. "Come, you must be starving." He continued. He didn't even wait for a response before he turned away from her and then moved towards the dining table. Rose petals adorned the ground she walked on as she followed behind him, making sure to keep enough distance between the both of them. He pulled out a sit and then gestured her to sit in it.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked as he took the seat across hers.

Was he seriously kidding her?

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