Chapter 43

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Victoria's loud laugh echoed around the sitting room and even to the hallway

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Victoria's loud laugh echoed around the sitting room and even to the hallway. She was really excited. She was always excited when her younger sister came to visit. They'd spend the entire day talking and gossiping about everyone else they were both friends with. Maybe that was why they were so close, because they had so much in common.

"And then I took out an invitation to the opening of my new mall and threw it in her face." The extremely  bleached light skinned woman sitting in front of her said, demonstrating every single word with so much enthusiasm. "You should have seen the look on her face, I almost gave her a heart attack."

"Good riddance." Victoria chuckled as she reached for her champagne flute on the tiny stool in between them. "I always knew that little rat was all talk and no action."

The laughter in the room slowly faded after a few seconds.

"What about her?"

Victoria followed her sister's gaze to the other corner of the living room, where Grace sat in front of a tiny stool with a lot of papers and crayons, painting.

"You're yet to tell me what your plans are concerning her." She slowly turned back to Victoria. "Are you really not going to send her to her mother?"

Grace raised her eyes just a little bit, but not too much. She knew she wasn't supposed to be eavesdropping.

"Not yet." Victoria exhaled dropping her flute on the stool "Not while I'm alive. I have plans for this one, great plans."

"Plans?" The woman asked, anxiety in her voice.

"Let's just say she's going to be my weapon in this war, my insurance. Just wait and see how I'm going to make sure that son killer has no one left to fight for."

"You're going to erase every chance of a relationship with her and her daughter?" The woman whispered, leaning closer.

Victoria raised her brows.


The woman chuckled

"That's a brilliant idea." She said in excitement as Victoria reached for her champagne flute again.

"You know right," she took a sip from it as she heard quick footsteps rushing towards the room, it became louder.

"Ma Victoria!"

It was Philip. Victoria slowly dropped her flute. She frowned the moment her lawyer came rushing into the sitting room, holding on firm to his briefcase with one hand, and a newspaper in the other.

"Philip," She called his name as she turned fully to face him, wondering why he had barged in looking the way he was.  He was literally breathing fast, so fast like he had been running. The woman beside her sat up too just as Philip came to a halt in front of them.

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