Chapter 18

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Four years later

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Four years later...

That was the hundredth time Amy had let out an exasperated sigh but Olivia could barely care less how frustrated watching her wrap that tiny sweater into that purple bag must have made her feel. It was like wrapping that sweater meant everything to her. Amy could see the pain she felt right through her eyes even without her starring right back. Amy could see all the scars and needle pricks on her fingers too.

Six years in jail had done the most to her, it had taken all the smiles she had left. Her hands shook while she tried to place the pink sweater into the tiny bag, sniffing every second that passed by, pretending to tuck her scattered hair behind her ears. Not like they didn't allow them use combs in prison, or braid their hair, Olivia just didn't care less, ever since what happened to her six years ago, she didn't care about anything else, she had let go of everything but if there was one thing Amy knew that Olivia had not let go of yet was hope. That was the only thing she had left, the only thing she was holding on to. Hope that she was going to be free again, free to be reunited with her daughter someday.

"Olivia that's enough." Amarachi was getting really tired of watching. "You really don't have to do this every year."

"Do what?" Olivia kept her eyes focused on the ribbons as she tried to wrap them neatly into a perfect bow. "Send my daughter gifts on her birthdays?"

Amy exhaled

"Not just that. You know the drill but you do it anyway, you know Victoria never lets her see them talk more of keep them. She's going to send it back in shreds just like the last time when you made her that straw bag."

Olivia just acted like she wasn't listening. Amy was right and she knew it. She knew the chances of her daughter getting that gift were close to nothing. It was how it had always been all the years that had passed. Every gift she had sent to the mansion, was returned right back either in shreds or in ashes or just as she had sent them. Of course Victoria was doing all she could to make sure she had no direct contact with her child and she knew just how extreme Victoria could be.

"It's her birthday. It's only right as a mother for me to want to send her gifts. It's the least I could do."

"Yes I know that but-" Olivia raised her eyes a little so she could have a quick glimpse at Amy "She probably doesn't know you exist, that you're still alive. I'm sure Victoria must have told her you died long ago. That's what she's capable of."
Olivia turned back to the table and paused for a while. She continued to wrap the gift.

"You don't have to deliver it this year if you don't want to. Just get me someone that can."
Amy sighed. Now she was guilt tripping her into doing what she wanted.

"Of course I would deliver it. You know I'd do anything to see her too, I'd take every chance I get. Sad thing is Victoria never lets anyone that close to her or the house. She doesn't even let her go to school like other kids her age can you imagine? That poor child is so young to be homeschooled. I'm very sure she must feel so terrible and so alone in that big house with no friends or social life whatsoever. My Poor niece. I feel so sad for her."

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