Chapter 57

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Knock knock!Grace slowly turned to the door for a the moment as it opened and a head stuck out

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Knock knock!
Grace slowly turned to the door for a the moment as it opened and a head stuck out. For a second, she squinted her eyes to see who it was before a large smile spread on her face the moment she recognized him. She waved at Rafael as he walked inside the room, his eyes scanning to see if she was the only one inside.

She was.
A tiny smile spread itself on his face as he walked to her bed. Just as he had remembered her, she was extremely beautiful and looked like she was recovering really fast from the accident.

"Nice lawyer!"
Grace exclaimed when he got close to her bed.

Rafael told her, leaning over to give her a hi-five
"You're up?"

Grace nodded, her smile getting even wider.
"You're here." She was really excited "Mummy said you weren't going to come."

Rafael pouted

"Your mum said that?"
Of course she did. What was he expecting was going to happen after what he did? He was sure Olivia thought the worst of him. Grace nodded and then leaned closer to him with her palm beside her mouth, watching to see if anyone was at the door. She turned back to Rafael.

"I think she's mad at you." She whispered
Rafael gasped, faking surprise.

"She is?"

Grace nodded
"Really mad."

He pursed his lips.

"She said she'd break your head if she ever saw you." Grace chuckled

"She told you that?"
She shook her head

"I heard her tell aunty Amy." Grace exhaled and then pouted.  "Why though? Did you hurt my mummy?"
Rafael hummed and then raised himself so he could sit on her bed. He slowly turned to her
"Because if you did, then it means we can't be friends." Rafael narrowed his gaze to her.
"You see, a lot of people have hurt my mum and I don't like them so if you hurt her too then I'd have to not like you too."

"Oh really?" Rafael forced a smile on his lips. Grace nodded.

"And that would make me really sad because I think you're a good man. You know how to get people out of troubles and I'd like to be like you when I grow up. I'd like to save people and put the bad guys in jail. Can you teach me?"

Rafael placed a hand on her head. He patted it gently.

"Of course I can. But to be able to do that, you have to get well soon so your Mummy and your Aunty Amy can be happy and won't have to sleep here all the time."

Grace nodded

She stuck out her little finger to him. Rafael looked at it and then nodded.

Rafael stuck his too and wrapped it around hers.
"You can't break your promise."

He nodded again and let out a faint chuckle. She was really adorable. He watched Grace turn back to her drawing book. Rafael leaned closer to her.

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