Chapter 24

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Ten minutes was barely enough break for her

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Ten minutes was barely enough break for her. Olivia could count how many deep breaths she had taken the very second the judge stepped back into the room.


She could see Amy mouth from where she sat in the crowd. Olivia followed her illustration. She needed all the air she could get at that point.

She turned to where Rafael sat, looking into the large file in front of him. He didn't seem to be half as nervous as she was or was he just very good at hiding how he felt? He looked so busy. Olivia couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head at that point. The more she looked at him, the more the rumors about his genius became clearer. She was amazed at the kind of man the man she was staring at was. Just how far was he willing to go? How amazing was he?

"Ms. Silver."

Olivia's thoughts were cut short the moment Victoria's lawyer walked up to her with his hands folded firmly behind his back and his eyes resting right on her face. She turned to him.

"How long have you been married to the deceased?"

"Two years before his death." Olivia answered honestly. "Our anniversary was supposed to be the following week."

"Is it safe to say your marriage was a happy one?"
Olivia paused for a second


The man smirked and then paused for a while. He continued.

"I'm asking if you were happy with your marriage Ms. Silver?"

"All marriages have their ups and downs."

"But that wasn't the answer to my question though."
The smirk on his face grew wider. Olivia exhaled. She just wasn't sure how else he wanted her to answer that. She wasn't sure what he wanted her to say in front of all those people.

"Ms. Silver," the man continued raising a brow. "Can you tell this court what happened that night in Nairobi after the AMA's?"

"Objection my Lord." Rafael announced lazily, his eyes still focused in the journal in front of him.

"My Lord," the man quickly turned to the judge "I'm trying to understand the kind of relationship the accused had with the deceased, that way, we can be able to establish, a reason why she tried to kill him in the first place-"

"Objection my Lord." Rafael repeated

"Let me rephrase my Lord. That way, we'd be able to establish a possible motive for murder."

"Sustained." The judge announced. "You May continue Barrister Phillip. Go ahead."

"Thank you my Lord."

Rafael had his eyes glued to his file. Anyone would think he was barely paying any attention to what was happening and for some reason, it frightened Olivia. The thought that the lawyer in front of her was doing all he could to remind her of the parts from her past she just wanted to forget, frightened her.

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