Chapter 30

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"Due to insufficient and inconsistent evidence brought to this court against the accused, on case two-zero-one-three-five-one-four, this court hereby declares and affirms that Ms Olivia Silver is not guilty of the murder of her late husband, Andre...

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"Due to insufficient and inconsistent evidence brought to this court against the accused, on case two-zero-one-three-five-one-four, this court hereby declares and affirms that Ms Olivia Silver is not guilty of the murder of her late husband, Andrew Silver. The court has acknowledged that she has failed in her duties to exert fair justice and protect the masses and due to her incompetencies, an innocent woman was let to face trial and jail time for a crime she did not commit. We can't bring back the six years taken from you Ms Silver, but what we can do is remove all criminal records about you regarding this case, hoping it would help you a lot in finding yourself and bringing the pieces of your life back together again. We sincerely apologize for all the troubles we put you through and this court would not rest till the real murderer of your husband is brought to book."

Olivia stopped listening to whatever it was the judge was talking about after the first two sentences. At that moment the judge had announced her freedom, all she could think of was getting to the little girl who just stared at her all through in court.

Olivia couldn't take off the excitement and smile in her expression. The thought that she was finally given a chance to be reunited with all she had lost was all she could think about.

Her daughter.

That little six year old standing right in the middle of that courtroom, with her bright eyes, staring right into Olivia's, lightening up every inch of Olivia's body.

But Victoria saw, and she was disgusted. The thought of Olivia ever getting her freedom disgusted her so badly that she couldn't stand to watch all that reunion even as Amy, Tony and Kemi rushed towards her as soon as the judge exited from the court room.

Like she had anyone else that cared about what happened to her besides them.

The smile on Olivia's face disappeared the moment she saw Victoria bend over to the little girl and whisper something to her. She watched the small girl nod faintly just as a man in a suit walked up to them.

Olivia could recognize that man.
It was the chauffeur, Victoria's chauffeur. Of course he had to be the one playing the nanny role especially since the woman that had walked in with the child before was taken away by the police earlier.

They were going to take the girl away. They were taking her child away from her again. Olivia watched the man stretch his hands a little so she could put her tiny hands in them.

"No," Olivia whispered the moment she saw them both walking out of the courtroom

"No!" She yelled, taking everyone's attention to what was happening as she quickly pulled herself away from the tiny crowd surrounding her, hoping she was going to make it on time to yank her daughter's hands from that man and bring her home with her.

"Olivia!" Amy yelled as she and the rest ran after her who obviously wasn't paying attention to anything else.

"Wait!" Olivia yelled to the man the moment she was right outside that courtroom, neglecting all the media and press that had ran to her that moment, trying to push her way through them and all their annoying questions to her daughter but they crowded her.

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