Chapter 29

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"My Lord

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"My Lord."
The court had barely wrapped her head around the bomb Rafael had dropped on her before and from the look of things, he was barely done.

The witness box was empty now but Olivia still remained in her own box, hoping and praying it would all be over soon. She just couldn't wait to be out of that courtroom.

"My Lord, I have one last witness to present to the court, more like a call to make."

The Judge looked at him, squinting her eyes.

"A witness?"

"Yes my Lord." Rafael nodded gently. "Doctor Michael Levy."

She quickly turned back to the file in front of her. She was trying to find his name in the list of witnesses.

"I'm afraid my Lord, my witness wasn't included in the list of witnesses. He works as a pharmacist at Otsuka America pharmaceuticals, the owners and makers of Ariprazole. Thanks to your benevolence my Lord, we were able to retrieve and send a bottle of the pills that were said to have been used to kill the deceased to Otsuka pharmaceuticals a week ago, hoping they could tell us exactly what kind of pill it was, what it was made up of and if it was dangerous enough to kill the deceased or anyone else."

"I was wondering why we had a projector set up in court today."

"My Lord," Philip got up slowly. "The defendant's lawyer should not be allowed to submit evidence that wasn't  submitted and approved by the court pre-trial."

"My Lord, we only got news from Otsuka this morning and so we weren't sure yet if we should have added Mr Mike to the witness list until now. My Lord, this might be the only evidence we need to actually free my client from these allegations, I ask that the court give me permission to present this evidence today in court so my client can receive the fair trial she was denied six years ago."

"I'd allow it."
The Judge said

Philip rolled  his eyes in disappointment just as Rafael walked to Susan and took his phone from her. He slowly headed towards the clerk that walked up to him and gently took it from him.

"Thank you my Lord."

Olivia took deep breaths hoping that that was it. That that was the last straw. That Rafael was right. That the man that was going to pop up on the small projector was going to be all she needed to be free from the handcuffs on her wrist.


The entire court turned to the white man that suddenly appeared on the screen. He had white hair and a few strands on his jaw. He also had his name "Dr Mike levy" boldly written on a tag which was pinned on his white coat and also on his ID card which he wore confidently on his neck. He had the most jolly face ever especially after he rose his glasses up his nose so he could see them clearly.

"Hello Doctor Mike." Rafael greeted in the most casual tone ever, maintaining a soft smile on his face. "Thank you so much for accepting my request to appear and testify in court today."

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