Chapter 23

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"Do you solemnly swear on this Holy Bible to say the truth and nothing but the truth?"

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"Do you solemnly swear on this Holy Bible to say the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I do."

The moment she said those words, everything else became static in the court room. She could barely concentrate on anything else. There she was again, in that same courtroom, in front of those same people from six years back, at least the most of them. It made her really scared, and nervous.

"Olivia Silver," Olivia's hands trembled as soon as the Judge called her name. "You've been accused and charged with the first degree murder of your late husband, Mr Andrew Segun Silver, how do you plead?"

"Not guilty my Lord." Her voice broke at intervals.

They all had their eyes on her box like they had already predicted her fate. She could feel her heart racing. She had always dreamt so hard of her freedom but she never bothered to dream of herself relieving the moment that came before it.

Just as she stood there, in that box at the corner of the room, with those handcuffs on both her hands, in that blue jumpsuit that Amarachi had carefully washed and ironed for her, it felt like time had stopped for a minute. She could see Amy right there, cheering her on from the first row and right across her, she could see the Silvers, Victoria's glare boring a deep invincible hole on her forehead. All those years didn't do a number on her at all. She hadn't aged one bit for a fifty-five year old, neither did her choice in fashion. She still looked so graceful, so young and almost flawless.

If there was something else that didn't change, it was her long frown and her disgust for Olivia. Right beside her, she could see Austin. His eyes were glued on hers. He looked just like she remembered, calm, neat and a lot expensive in his three piece suit but none of them really mattered to her. The only person that did wasn't there at that moment.

Her daughter.

Olivia was looking forward to at least seeing her. If she wasn't ever going to win the case, a glimpse of what she looked like would have meant the world to her but she knew it wasn't fair to either of them. If her daughter knew she was alive, it wasn't fair for her to watch her stand in a box, being judged like a criminal.

Olivia sniffed the moment she heard a voice she was familiar with. Enough of the thinking, she knew it was time to fight. She slowly turned to Rafael who walked to her as fast as he could.

His wig and dress had nothing on him. Unlike other lawyers she knew, his looked so perfect on him that she had almost forgotten it was a uniform.

"Mrs Silver,"
He started, walking closer to her with a few sheets of paper in his hands. She glued her eyes to his face.

You don't have to be scared. As long as you're innocent, all you have to do is tell your side of the story honestly and let me figure the rest out.

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