Chapter 46

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Ten men

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Ten men.

Rafael could count ten men running to him the moment he stepped out of the hospital with Susan trying to keep up behind him. They were all smartly dressed in suits with pig tail earpieces connected to their ears. They bowed to show their respect as he came to a halt in front of them.

Rafael glared at them wondering why they were there. He recognized them, especially the one that walked briskly to him. He looked like he was their leader. He narrowed his gaze to the fleet of cars parked behind them, obstructing the entrance to the hospital.

"Sir." He slowly turned to the man in front of him as he bowed.

"What's the problem?" Rafael asked him "Why are you all here?"

"The chairman asked us to accompany you home." The man told him "We're to protect you and go everywhere you go from now on, chairman's orders."

"What? He said that?"
The man nodded.

Rafael looked away

"What on earth was he thinking sending all these men?" He whispered to himself and slowly turned back to the man "Where is he?"

"At the resort sir."
Susan walked closer to him

"Are you going to go talk to him?"

"I should shouldn't I?" He turned to her "I'm too old to be followed around by bodyguards don't you think?"

He slowly turned back to the man.

"Ask your men to stand down Alex," he continued "I'd be going to see my father now."

"Then we'd come with you." He cut him off. "The instruction was to-"

"Fine." He told him "Half of you can come with me, I want the rest to stay here and protect someone."

"Sir," Susan cut him off immediately, she knew exactly who Rafael was referring to.

"Sir, our obligations are to protect you not someone else."

"And now I'm changing that." Rafael sneered. "Your duties are to me and my family and I'm asking you to leave half of your men here to protect my client. Didn't you hear what I said? Or do you need me to take permission from my father first? " he scoffed "Come on, I'm too old for that, tell my father I'd only come with you if you ask half of your men to stay here and protect my client it's as easy as that."

The man hesitated for a while, he let out a sigh and slowly turned to his men. He nodded, signaling the first half to come to him.
They obeyed.

"Sir," They chorused

"Stay here and protect Ms Olivia." He told them

"Ehn?" One of them said.

"You heard me." He told them "Don't let me say it again." He turned to the rest.

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