Chapter 13

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Current day

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Current day...

"We have a new inmate. The newest fish in town."

Olivia shut her eyes, pretending like she wasn't the one the ladies behind  bars were referring to as she walked down the hallway, in the direction the police woman was leading her, holding on tightly to her arm.


Olivia wished she could reach for her itching elbows. She would have if her hands bound with those damn cuffs. It had been two days, two days since her trial but why did it feel like her life had already ended?

She was barely halfway from her special room and all those mosquitoes were already feasting on her. The horror of spending more nights in those public cells for the next thirty two years.

She was frightened, she was terrified. In as much as she tried to not think about it, she knew the only way she was suddenly refused access and privilege to the special room had Victoria written all over it. She knew how much power and influence the Silvers had over every government sector in the country and she knew Victoria had never said something she didn't do. If she said she was going to make her life miserable, that was exactly what she was going to do. That was exactly what she was doing.

The metal door opened quickly.

Olivia wished she didn't have to walk into that almost dark, dirty room. She hated it already. The Nigerian prison had to be the worst in the world. The smell and everything else about it made her want to throw up all that food Amy had brought her earlier.

"Get in." The woman in a uniform pushed her inside gently and took off her hand cuffs. Olivia rubbed her numb wrist just as the lady closed the door as fast as she could before Olivia could even turn around to beg to be taken back to her room. She just couldn't.

Olivia clung on hard to the gate, anything to stop her from looking or getting noticed by the four other women in the room.

Just act invincible and they'd treat you like you are.

That was what she kept saying to herself all the while she walked down that hall.

"You don't have to say or do anything, just mind your business and stay in your lane."

Amarachi's words kept ringing in her head. Olivia took a deep breath. She just had to stay calm, she knew she did, that was her only way to survive.

"Look who we have here." Olivia could feel her hands tremble as soon as she heard those really loud footsteps approaching her. Of course she was going to be noticed, what did she expect would happen as soon as she walked into that room?

Olivia had heard a lot of stories about jail and prison but she never really thought she'd ever find herself in one.

"It's the husband killer, the high and mighty Olivia Silver."

She could smell the stench of cold noodles from the lady's mouth as she whispered so loudly into her ears. Olivia was trying so hard to keep her nausea in check. It wasn't exactly easy with that lady talking into her breath like that.

Don't turn around
Olivia told herself,

She knew she didn't have to. Maybe if she just kept staring right outside, they'd eventually realize nothing was going to come out of bothering her.

"Turn haround."
And there it came, the accent, the H factor. Olivia's hands trembled more. "Now!"

She turned quickly. If there was something she knew, it was that playing deaf in prison wasn't actually going to help her. She had to do everything to make sure she was safe for the next seven months at least.

"Tobi, you go make this girl piss for body."

She could hear the other lady in short dreadlocks say as she slowly got up from where she was sitting the whole time.

Olivia wished she wasn't too terrified to actually look at their faces but she was. She could see another lady stand up to join the other one as they walked their way towards them. While the last one remained unbothered in her bed. She could see the long tribal marks carved into the lady's face in front of her just as the light from the other cells shone for a minute into theirs.

"You." She turned at the sound of the last girl's voice. "Why them come remove you from that clean special room? Shey when you come here you been de form for us? Say you no wan stay for public cell as per celebrity. But na kill you kill, abi you no kill?"

She hadn't spent an hour with her new roommates but something told her they weren't going to be the best.

"Wetin you carry come?" The first girl said "You're a celebrity, I'm sure your folks must have given you small pepper to bring to prison."

If they were referring to the five thousand Amanda craftily handed to her the day before, she knew better than to give them her only source of making phone calls inside prison.

How on earth did they even know?

"Oya, submit am before I spark." The second girl said stretching her hand towards Her. Olivia slowly turned to her, then to all of them

"I don't want any trouble-" she whispered

"You de craze?" The lady in front of her slapped her hard on her face. Olivia cringed back in fear, surprise and a lot of pain as she placed her hand on her cheek.
"Na me you de follow cap all those ones? You wan loose-guard for here so?"

Olivia gulped hard. She quickly reached for inside her trousers.

Stay safe.
She kept whispering to herself

She took out all of it. Her hands vibrating just at the sound of their voices. There was nothing that was going to come out of being stubborn especially to those women that looked like were going to be sharing the room with her for a long time.

The last girl grabbed it from her quickly and turned around to count it just as she walked back to her bed with the other girl right behind her.

Olivia turned around, trying so hard to avoid facial contact with the first lady who just stood in front of her, starring at her. Her hair was still glued to the sweat on her face from all that heat, not to talk of all that pain on her face from being slapped earlier.

She could feel the lady stretch her hand towards her chin. Olivia winced in pain as she pulled her chin so Olivia could look at her. Olivia was breathing fast but she managed to glare at her. The lady smiled, lowering her gaze to Olivia's firm beasts. Olivia felt so uncomfortable especially with the way she returned her eyes back at Olivia's then leaned forward to kiss her. Thank God Olivia saw the signs right before. She turned her head quickly.

It only took a second of hesitation before the lady scoffed. She wasn't going to force her, Olivia hoped she wouldn't.

"Welcome to Prison Olivia Silver."

The lady whispered into her ears before she slowly turned to join the rest, leaving Olivia right there, struggling to catch her breath. A tear dropped from her eyes as she held on to the railings for support. She could feel strength leave her. She could feel her legs weaken all of a sudden.

She could barely breathe.
She slowly fell to the ground, still holding on the railings for support with one hand while the other held onto her belly, watching the ladies rejoice as they split her money among themselves.

Her lips were shaking.
She was so terrified. How on earth was she supposed to spend the next thirty something years of her life like this?

At that point she knew, they were going to break her.
She was never going to survive in a place like that.

She knew she had to leave. She needed to be saved .

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