Chapter 3

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Three weeks earlier

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Three weeks earlier.
Nairobi, Kenya.

"Mo ti gbo, I've heard you mum, Olivia and I would be on the first plane back to Nigeria tomorrow morning, you don't have to worry."

Olivia exhaled, turning slowly to the window as soon as the limousine came to a stop. She wasn't sure she was ready for the occasion, she wasn't sure she wanted to be there.

But who wouldn't though?

Was there ever anyone that wouldn't do what they had to do to be able to attend The AMA's? Africa's top award event?

Yeah, she knew being a celebrity was hard, but what was harder was being married to one. She knew once she stepped out of the car, she'd have to walk out wearing a perfect smile on her face and pretend to be okay and happy to all the people watching her, to all those talking about how the poor orphan girl who had received financial aid from Silver enterprise all her life managed to bewitch the heir to the company and force herself into one of the most influential families in the country with a ring.

She had been married to Andrew Silver for two years but it felt like the rumors going around about her was going to last forever.

On the bright side, her relationship with her husband got the attention of a lot of people around the continent. They had just as many fans as they had haters, even more.

Everyone loved the Silvers and her husband just happened to be their favorite.

He was everything they hoped for, the young, handsome and rich Silver that knew how to give back to the society, from free education, to scholarships, free food, clean water and even hospitals, the Silvers gave it all and Andrew, he was their favorite Silver, their favorite man.

Everyone's favorite couple.

She couldn't keep count of how many front covers of magazines existed with both their faces on them or how many billboards with them on them.

Everyone loved them and they were very much aware of it. Maybe that was the reason why everything had to be perfect that day. Just like her husband had told her before they left the hotel room minutes ago, they couldn't afford to not give the public the hunger they craved for.

Olivia rubbed her wrist so she could feel the tiny scar from the accident on it.

She missed them, everyday.
She wished she could forget that day, forget the memories of them that haunted her, the memories of that horrible day became fresh with everyday that passed by.

She lowered her gaze on the purple dress that adorned her legs. So much for all that Versace from her head to toe. She'd planned to lay low but that was pretty impossible now.

She could see how the diamonds on her bracelet were saving all their shine for when she got out of the car, her earrings and necklace too.

"No we left that at the hotel, you don't have to worry Mum, Nairobi is safe, we're going to be fine."

Her husband and her mother in law, those two were inseparable. She just had to wait inside the car utill one of them got tired of talking, which was a good thing. She needed all the time she could get.

The red carpet was quite a big deal and she could see the paparazzi doing their job. She could also recognize some of the celebrities walking around, posing for the camera. It was frustrating she'd have to get all that attention the minute she stepped out of that car.

"Okay mum, I'd talk to you as soon as we're back to the hotel okay? Ó dabo."

Olivia let out an exasperated sigh as soon as he hung up. He exhaled, his gaze still glued to his phone.

"Are we there yet?" His question was directed to no one in particular.

"Yes sir, we are at the venue now." The chauffeur answered, glancing at them through the rear view mirror. He sighed before he finally tucked his phone into the inner pocket of his jacket.

"Are you okay?" He turned to face Olivia. He just had to ask, she had been silent throughout the ride.

Not that he gave her something to talk about since he had been on the phone throughout.

She faked a smile and nodded as she turned to face him.

God, she was so beautiful.

He thought that she was beautiful. He loved it when her big brown eyes met his. He could literally see his reflection whenever he looked at her. He loved the way her red lipstick adorned her perfectly carved lips, she didn't always wear make up but when she did, it was perfect. She was perfect.

She watched him reach for the stray strand of hair that stuck to her face, he pulled it behind her ear.

"God, you're so beautiful." He whispered. She could feel her heart beat faster as he leaned closer, close enough for her to smell the mint in his breath, close enough to inhale the scent of his perfume mixed  with hers. He placed a kiss on her cheek just as the chauffeur opened the door.

She smiled faintly and turned to face the chauffeur, extending her hand to him so he could help her out of the car while Andrew took the other door.

She drew in a deep breath and then exhaled, her eyes meeting with the swarm of eager reporters now rushing towards her.

"Deep breaths Olivia." She told herself as she linked arms with Andrew, allowing him to lead her to the crowd of reporters.

It was happening again.

All the attention.The illusion of perfection and luxury.

The screams got louder as they approached, camera lights flickering as various questions were thrown at them.

"Over here Mrs Silver!"

Olivia turned at every angle and tried as hard as she could to act natural. Her smile managed to fool everyone, she was slowly becoming a pro at it.

"Mr Silver, over here please,"

She could feel Andrew's slim fingers find her waist before he pulled her close. He was overly possessive and she knew it. Everyone did.

That was one of the many things their fans loved about him.

They just didn't care how much so.

Okay that was it.

Their cue to walk into the large building. Thank goodness Andrew wasn't really in the mood for pictures.

He slowly turned around and led the way, his hands gripping hers tightly.

Olivia took a deep breath. She could still hear questions being thrown at them even as they walked into the building.

She felt so faint.

She was never going to get comfortable with that life.

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