Chapter 32

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"Welcome home Mrs Victoria

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"Welcome home Mrs Victoria."

Victoria stormed into the big house as fast as she could, paying the maids that hurried to receive them at the door no mind. They knew better than to persist, they were no strangers to how extreme Victoria could get when she was upset.

She paused as soon as she got into the living room. She needed to breathe. She placed her hands on her hips, drawing deep breaths. It was really difficult bottling all that anger up in front of the press and now that she was away from them, her heart felt so heavy from all that anger.

"Sir Austin." The maids chorused Austin's name as he walked into the house, holding the little girl's hands gently, the butler closing the door behind them.

"Bisi," He turned to one of the maids, she answered "Please take Grace to her room and prepare her for bed." He instructed, letting go of the girl's hand.

"Of course sir," the maid slowly reached for the child's hand when another hand grabbed it and yanked the child close, her doll fell to the ground.

Everyone turned to Victoria.

She glared at the little child, fury evident in her eyes as she tightened her grip on her arm, her false nails almost digging in. The girl whimpered in pain

"Grandma," she said softly, staring at Victoria with fear and surprise written all over her face.

"What is it this time mother?" Austin exhaled, glaring at Victoria

"You," Victoria pushed Grace a little bit to the left so she could see her better, still clinging on as tight as she could to her tiny arm. "You saw that right?" She asked the little girl. "You saw how that useless, murderous mother of yours humiliated me in court today."

The girl sobbed

"Mother let her go." Austin took a step forward. "You're hurting her."

"You're hurting me grandmother." The girl whispered softly as tears welled up in her eyes, her voice was so tiny. She was so frightened. Victoria scoffed. She didn't care, she dug in deeper, intentionally making sure that she was hurting the little girl as much as she could.

"Grandmother?" She pulled the girl closer, almost twisting her arm to the other side. "Who the hell is your grandmother?" She widened her eyes just so the girl could look right in. "How can I be your grandmother? Isn't it obvious? Isn't it obvious I don't like you and I hate you even more because of what that stupid mother of yours did today?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Grace was so frightened, tears began to well up in her tiny bright eyes "You look so much like her and it's so annoying." She tightened her grip on her. "I just want to slap you so hard till my hands bleed."

"Grandmother," the little girl sobbed as her tears began to fall off her face.

"She wants you back?" Victoria scoffed again. "As if I'd ever let that happen. I'd rather die than see that happen, than see that woman happy, I'd rather die than reunite you with her. You are so annoying." She said jerking her and pulling the girl hard from side to side making sure her feet was barely touching the ground. "You're so so annoying."

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