Chapter 28

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"What the hell was the meaning of that?!" Olivia shook the moment Rafael's file made a loud thud as it came in contact with the metal table

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"What the hell was the meaning of that?!" Olivia shook the moment Rafael's file made a loud thud as it came in contact with the metal table.
She could feel a chill breeze pass through her as she watched him glare at her, frustration written all over his face.

"I thought I made it clear to you?" He asked her "I asked you not to keep any secrets from me and then what did you do? You left out the part that you almost murdered someone in your childhood?"

"I didn't do it- I was only trying to protect myself." Olivia could barely look him in his eyes now. She was so scared.

"What?" Rafael whispered in disbelief

"Hey," Tony pulled his arm slightly so he could at least try to calm him down

"You see that?" Rafael turned to him "She just humiliated me in court." He told Tony, trying to keep his tone in check "This was exactly what I was trying to avoid."

"I didn't tell you because I thought it was all in the past." Olivia finally summoned up the courage to talk. "I didn't think it was important- I had no idea they were going to dig up an event from years ago," She looked into his eyes

"I'm sorry. Don't give up on me, don't give up on my case. Please."

Her eyes had tears in them. It was obvious she was so scared and confused all at once with the way she stared at him. Rafael scoffed, placing his hand on his hip and turned away. He tried to take deep breaths. He could hear Tony's footsteps approach him as he held on to the table for support. He needed to grip something if he wanted to grasp all the air he could into his lungs.

"Hey man." Tony whispered to him as soon as he got close. Placing a hand on his shoulder. "Take it easy on her okay."

Rafael scoffed out loud.
Was Tony serious? Was he really trying to take her side after everything?

"She's having a hard time too just like all of us. I'm sure all hope isn't lost yet, I'm sure there's still a chance we can win this. There's something you can do-"

Rafael stood straight, his hands still firm on his hips. He slowly turned to Olivia.

"Is there anything else I should know?" He looked at her "Any other secrets you're hiding? Anything that could compromise this case?"

"No." Olivia assured him.

"Are you sure?"

"There's none, I swear it."

For some reason, Rafael believed her. He nodded and turned to Susan

"I need you to get to what we talked about." He told her and she nodded in agreement.

Rafael let out an exhale

"We are not losing this case today."

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