Chapter 15

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Six months later

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Six months later.

Olivia drew in consecutive deep breaths as tears rolled down her eyes. She was in a lot of pain.

It had been two long hours and it hurt so much. The contractions were getting stronger with every moment that passed. Everything was in slow motion.

"Mrs. Silver." One of the midwives called her attention. She turned to face her slowly as tears blurred her vision. "Mrs. Silver, we can't do this without you. We need you and the baby to survive but we can't help you do that without your cooperation." She said softly, urging Olivia to listen. Olivia shook her head as teardrops rolled down the side of her face.

She couldn't. She could accept the pain, she could take all of it if it meant she would get to be with her baby because she knew, she knew that those were Victoria's midwives. She knew that the moment the baby was delivered, they would take her away from her. She knew that Victoria would do everything in her power to keep her child away from her and if that happened, she wouldn't be able to take it. If that happened, she would have nothing to live for.

She let out a whimper when she felt a sharp pain move from her lower back to her abdomen.

"Mrs. Silver." The midwife continued, her voice pleading now. "Mrs. Silver, please listen to me. You're putting your life and the life of your baby in danger by doing this." She continued. Olivia sniffed and turned away, her breathing ragged.

When was it going to end? When would she finally be free?

"Mrs Silver, please push." The midwife was saying when someone else walked into the room. Olivia glanced at the approaching figure, her fingers trembling and her vision blurred by the amount of tears she was letting out.

Her entire body was trembling as a matter of fact. She could feel beads of sweat, mixing with her tears as it trailed down her face.

"Mrs Silver." Kemi called as she stopped beside Olivia's bed. Olivia turned to her weakly.

Why was she even there?

They weren't exactly friends. Sure, they'd talked a few times in the last six months and Kemi had helped her out a few times but they weren't friends but if she had to be honest, the police woman was the only person she trusted the most at that point.

"Mrs Silver." Kemi stopped beside her and reached for her hand. Olivia watched her warily, she knew exactly what was coming next. She knew exactly why Kemi was there.

"Don't " She started weakly.

"You have to." Kemi said to her.

"They will t-take her away from me." She winced.

"You have to." Kemi gave her hand a firm squeeze. "If you don't, she's probably going to die and you would to. Do you want that? To kill your own baby?"

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