Chapter 60

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The room was quiet for a short while

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The room was quiet for a short while.

With the way the both ladies glared at each other, you'd have thought they were going to burn the entire prison down. Olivia sat still, reminding herself the importance of being where she was, reminding herself why she had to be there and it wasn't just because she enjoyed seeing Victoria with her scattered hair, faded jeans, extremely normal tee shirt and in handcuffs. Jail looked really good on her. Olivia wished she had the strength to have a good laugh but she also knew she hadn't been the one to laugh at anything since he left, not even as karma was on her side.

"Don't tell me you came here to gloat." Victoria did the honors of breaking the silence. She was tired of sitting in that empty room and giving Olivia the honor of seeing her in that position.

Olivia drew in a deep breath.

God knows the only reason Victoria allowed that visit in the first place was because she didn't want Olivia to think she was weak or her life had turned upside down since the party. If there was one thing Victoria was good at, it was staying strong until the end, it was keeping her head up till the end.

"Don't think you can laugh just yet."

Victoria glared into Olivia's eyes with a huge frown on her face, not minding the fact that Olivia was in no place trying to start a conversation. She just wanted to sit right there, and glare at her through her sad eyes.

"Nothing has changed." Victoria continued. "It's not over yet, this place can't hold me and you know it."

"Why?" Olivia said almost in a whisper. She wasn't exactly in the mood to shout or cause a scene.

"Why what?"

"Why me? " Olivia continued "All my life, all I ever wanted was for you to accept me as a part of your family. I lived my live respecting you and your family, looking up to you. What did I ever do to deserve all the hate you've shown me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Victoria asked her "I just don't like you, I never liked you for my family and especially for my son."

Olivia scoffed. She knew that already.

"Everything was perfect. My family, My boys, my precious boys. Andrew and Austin loved each other so much, the only reason that it grew to hate was because you came along. You destroyed my family."

Olivia shook her head

"That's not true."

"I know my boys better than anyone." Victoria leaned forward, anger evident in her eyes. "I birthed them, they loved each other so much. You came into our lives and ruined everything. You destroyed them, turned one into a lunatic and the other into a murderer, you, a cheap town orphan, benefiting from the crumbs of my family's luxury." Victoria scoffed. "My poor husband would be rolling in his grave at the sound of this."

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