Chapter 39

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Rafael stepped on the breaks the moment he was drawing close to the traffic light

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Rafael stepped on the breaks the moment he was drawing close to the traffic light. Even though his car was the only one that had chosen to obey the light out of the few cars that drove by, he was never really the type to disobey rules voluntarily.

He wound down his window for a moment.

Sixty seconds.

He wasn't in a hurry anyway. It wasn't a long drive to the supermarket. He really just wanted to be away from all those people at the house. He exhaled as he placed his elbow on his window, pulling his sunshades to his forehead so he could let the sun shine on his face while he looked outside, drawing a deep breath.

He slowly placed his head on his hand and turned to his car's vent. He placed his hand on it just to feel the cool air from the AC right before he turned to the volume button of his player, turning up his volume so he didn't have to think of anything else except Rema's why that was playing in the background or was it Neptune's.

Twenty seconds now.

His phone rang. He slowly looked away to see who it was. It wasn't a number he recognized or had saved. He hesitated for a second before he slowly reached for it.

He turned the volume down and picked the call. The traffic light turned green. He started his engine.


"Who's this?" He asked the masculine voice at the other end of this phone, trying to focus on his steering, turning side by side at the intersection to make sure there were no cars coming

"Am I talking to Rafael? Rafael Okonkwo?"

"This is he." He turned to the left. "Who is he speaking with?"

He heard the loud sigh the man made. Rafael could notice how his voice was shaking like he was nervous and scared at the same time.

"Look," Rafael continued "I'm off cases for now. If you need a lawyer or anything, I can direct you to someone that can help-"

"Olivia is in trouble."

Rafael stepped on his breaks, leaving his car to make a screeching sound as it came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road so fast that he almost flew out of his seat.

"W-What do you mean?" He stammered, a huge frown suddenly covering his face. "W-who are you?"

"You're her lawyer isn't it? You're the only one that can save her right now. "

"Is this some kind of a joke? Or some sort of a trap? It is isn't it?"

"Hotel Barca liga, room two-o-one. There are men that have been sent to kill her. I can't make it to her in time but you can. They should be close to the hotel as we-"

Rafael dropped his phone quickly on the passengers seat and then hit the accelerator, making a quick U-turn as fast as he could without even thinking.

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