Chapter 19

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"Come on brother, why won't you help me here?"

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"Come on brother, why won't you help me here?"

Rafael walked in right after his secretary turned the door knob in time for him to walk into his huge office. She waited behind the two men as they found their way to the large sofa at the far end of the cold room, close to the artificial chimney, watching Rafael try to force his tie to loosen a little bit with the way he yanked it right and left.

He was exhausted.

Why wouldn't he be after spending over three hours standing in a court room trying to defend the innocence of a forty year old man who was about to be sentenced to death in a week. Not like he had any problems nailing it, he always did. That was why he was Rafael Okonkwo, the youngest, best, highest paid attorney in the country, one of the youngest professors too.

He shrugged his shoulders, worsening his frown as He glared at the man sitting right across him while his secretary poured him a glass of water.

"Come on man, why won't you help me this one time? This last time?" He asked Rafael earnestly as he watched him reach for his glass and take a sip from his water.

Was he even listening?

"You said that the last time." Rafael said as soon as he dropped his glass back on the tiny glass table beside him. He raised his gaze slowly to him, raising his thick dark brows at intervals, his black eyes, staring into his with his perfectly carved, rosy lips, pouted in a tiny frown while his secretary filled his mug hurriedly again.

"I know I did-"

"This was supposed to be my final case." Rafael continued. "Today."

"I know but-" He exhaled. He knew he had to get himself together. He knew he had to come with a good reason, a reason good enough to shake the man sitting in front of him a little bit, the man he had known all his life, the only person close enough to be called his brother. His best friend.
"Come on brother, trust me, this case is going to be worth your while."

He said just as Rafael slouched into the sofa, pulling the both sides of his jacket away just a little bit so he could be comfortable enough.

"There's no better person that can win this case besides you. You're the only person good enough to help her."

"You want me to help a murderer get out of jail, just so you could impress your police girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend." He snapped. Rafael scoffed with a little bit of disgust. "At least not yet."


"Just hear me out okay, I promised her I'd talk to you about it- I know I shouldn't have but I needed to convince her in some way that I wasn't going to be a waste of her time. I might have bragged about how close we were and given her the impression that you were definitely going to help."

"God , Tony." Rafael rubbed his forehead

"Look, I just really want to impress this lady okay, and I think helping her is the only way I can. I need you to help me here brother, all you have to do is meet with the lady in question and hear her side of the story. I'm sure there's something her lawyer must have missed at her first trial, they won't re open her case but I'm sure there might actually be a way to help get her out of that place, a way you can help her just like you've helped a lot of people-."

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