Chapter 25

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"Leave us

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"Leave us."
Rafael announced to his secretary as soon as he walked into his office with his assistant right behind him, walking briskly in her red suit that blended well with her light skin, light makeup and red lipstick. The sound of her heels knocking themselves loudly as they came in contact with the ground. The lady didn't even have to wait for him to say it twice before she scurried out of the room right in time for Rafael to throw his bag on his sofa without thinking.

He hurried to his table. He needed a seat, and a drink. He could have sworn he never saw Phillip's scheme to create new evidence using a new witness. Everything that had happened felt so overwhelming and out of control.

He could remember the look of disappointment on Olivia's face as they walked her out of the courtroom and every step she took with those policemen surrounding her reminded him of how much he had failed and failure was a feeling he wasn't really good at accepting.

"I did what you asked."
At least some good news. Rafael watched his assistant get a large brown envelope out of her bag. She slowly dropped it on the table where he could see it.

"You were right. We have a corrupt judge under our noses."

Rafael slowly reached for the envelope and opened it. He got out a couple of pictures from it, looking at them carefully. He could see a black car and in that car he could see two figures. He recognized the women in the car.

"These pictures were taken today, at the parking lot, immediately after the hearing. That's a photo of judge Taiwo secretly meeting with Ms Victoria Silver. It can't be a coincidence is it?"

Rafael exhaled

"Of course it's not. There was a reason this case was shoved under the carpet six years ago when she was the presiding judge. I can smell the Silvers everywhere around this."

He threw the photos back on the table,

"Just say the word sir, what would you like me to do with it?"

Rafael shut his eyes for a minute . He needed time to think, to figure his next actions out. The more he thought about it, the more the air in the room became so thin. It was almost as it he was suffocating.

He gently placed a hand on his chest and squeezed a little bit like it could stop the stabbing pain he felt in his heart. That was his stress level rising.

"Sir, " Susan said almost in a yell. She rushed to him as soon as she could to help him. Rafael stretched out a hand to stop her. He didn't need her alerting the entire building.

"I just need a minute." He managed to say, shutting his eyes again for another minute while he took deep breaths. He didn't stop for a second till he was sure he could feel the pain fade away.

"Sir?" Susan bent over. She  had to make sure he was fine, a look of worry and fear written all over her face.

Rafael forced a smile on his face as he slowly raised his head to meet hers.

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