Chapter 52

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The restroom was quiet for a while, for a long while

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The restroom was quiet for a while, for a long while.
Why wasn't he saying anything?

Olivia couldn't help but think maybe it was better Rafael just stood there, backing her, his eyes glued to the wall, one hand on his hip with the other over his mouth, while he took deep breaths.

He was angry.
Of course he was, who wouldn't be after witnessing everything that had happened? Especially since he was responsible for her as his "date".

She let out a sigh, trying to pretend like the awkward silence wasn't frustrating her. She watched him squeeze his fists into a ball and take another deep breath right before he turned. Olivia quickly turned back to the tap, trying to avoid his eye contact. He turned completely to her, she began to wash her hands as fast as she could, pretending not to notice him walk towards her even as she took quick glances at intervals until he was right beside her.

Rafael placed a hand on the tap quickly, not taking his eyes off her for a second. She stared at his hands as he turned it off. She shut her eyes in frustration. She knew exactly what was going to come next and she knew she couldn't avoid it.

"What on earth were you thinking?" Rafael asked her in the calmest tone ever "Why did you do that? embarrass me like that out there?" Olivia held onto the sink. She could see he was trying so hard to bite back his frustration.

"You were supposed to be my plus one. Do you have any idea what those people out there think about me now? How much of a blow this has become to my reputation?"

Olivia kept her eyes on the sink, she didn't look sorry though. Rafael scoffed

"You're drunk aren't you?"


He grabbed her wrist and pulled her with it till she was looking at him.

"How many shots did you take? Two? Three?" He glared at her "Five?"

"I'm not drunk!" She pulled her wrist away from him as hard as she could. She wasn't in the mood for any of his arrogance, Rafael could see that. He could tell how sad she was just by looking at her, it made him a little bit sensitive and calm.

"I'm sorry if my actions affected what people thought about you tonight, I should leave before I cause any more trouble." She picked up her purse from the sink and turned to go before Rafael grabbed her by her arm.

Not yet.
He didn't want her to go, not like that, not with the way she looked like she was about to break down in tears. He could see she was trying to hold back, to stop herself from letting him see just how hurt she was, he couldn't let her go.

"What do you want from me?!" Olivia yelled turning back to meet his gaze. Rafael narrowed his brows at her, why was she getting upset with him? She had so much anger in her eyes, so much pain he had never seen before, she was showing him a part of her he had never thought existed.

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