Chapter 47

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Olivia drew in a deep breath at the next beeping sound of the EKG machine, she didn't make a sound or move a muscle, she just remained still, sitting over Grace's bed with her one hand on the bandaid wrapped around her head and the other hand wrap...

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Olivia drew in a deep breath at the next beeping sound of the EKG machine, she didn't make a sound or move a muscle, she just remained still, sitting over Grace's bed with her one hand on the bandaid wrapped around her head and the other hand wrapped around Grace's tiny hand while she kept her eyes glued to her face.

She looked so peaceful and so beautiful even in her unconscious state. It was her first time holding her daughter like that, being that close to her and it had to be when she was in such a condition.

It broke her heart so much.

"She has been this way since you left yesterday." Benita explained to Rafael and Tony who had only just arrived a few minutes before. "She has refused to eat or drink anything or talk to anyone, all she does is cry and cry and cry. I'm beginning to fear that she might fall sick if she keeps this up."

Rafael exhaled.
He turned to look at Olivia.

"Olivia," Tony took a step closer to her "Olivia, is there anything you'd like to eat or drink?"
Olivia didn't move a muscle, she didn't care who it was talking to her at that moment.

"I already tried asking her that," Austin said, sitting straight from where he sat watching her "Her answer remains the same, silence."

Rafael walked to Olivia, grabbing the sheet of paper he had kept on the tall table close to the bed earlier as he got closer to her. Everyone watched as he pulled out a seat so he could sit beside her.

She wasn't watching or listening. Rafael drew a deep breath, he hated what he was about to do but he knew he had to do it anyway.

"Hey," he looked at her. He was really so bad at comforting people, he didn't even know where to start, maybe the point was a good place.

"I uh-" he continued "I need your help in signing something." He told her. Everyone watched him take out the paper and stretch it towards her so she could take it if she wanted to. "It's uh, it's a consent form."

"Rafael," Tony called him after a sigh.

"I was hoping you could go through it for a second." He continued. "I'm trying to send your late husband's remains to the states for an autopsy, that way, we can finally find out who is really responsible for his death, clear your name and put a rest to this case, but to do that, the court and hospital requires that his next of kin, which happens to be you, signs this." He waved the paper in front of her.

Olivia just blinked. She didn't turn, she didn't move, she didn't say a word. He exhaled.
It was totally useless at that point whatever he did.

"You really are an insensitive and extremely selfish person, you know that?"
Rafael slowly turned to Austin. "She almost lost her child and would barely eat and somehow, a stupid autopsy is the only thing you can think about?"

Rafael scoffed.

"What is wrong with you? How can any of this be important right now?"

"Brother," Tony continued "I hate to admit it but Austin is right, Olivia is still in shook from what happened. I don't think now is the right time to push on with this."

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