Chapter 58

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"This way ma'am,"Olivia held on tight to her pouch as hard as she could, taking deep breaths as they got to the dock

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"This way ma'am,"
Olivia held on tight to her pouch as hard as she could, taking deep breaths as they got to the dock. She was so nervous, too nervous right from the time she got off the limousine.


The eyes that looked at her, she was so embarrassed. Why on earth did he have to go all the way? Thinking about how he went all the way to get her a limo that picked her up from the hospital made her go red in amusement. Her heart was flustering already, it was the most romantic gesture she had ever received.

She could remember the excitement in both Grace's and Amy's faces as they watched her get into the limousine. Happy memories, she just prayed it got happier from there on. She checked her tiny silver wristwatch.

One forty-five PM.

Olivia checked her yellow dress one more time. She knew Amy had put in a lot of effort into making her look so beautiful that she couldn't afford to let her down.

She looked up again just so she could see the large yatch in front of her. She could see a man in a white uniform and a white hat standing beneath it wave to her. A huge smile appeared on her face. Olivia hurried to the man, taking easy steps so she didn't fall off her four inches black Stilettos.

"Welcome ma." He stretched out his arm to Olivia

"Thank you." She took it gently and raised her head to the stairs

"He's waiting for you."
The man led her up the white stairs gently till they got to the top of it. Olivia's smile widened the moment she saw Rafael standing there, looking really handsome with the huge smile on his face. He always looked so good in a suit.

Rafael's smile widened as he moved towards her, it was almost as if he couldn't take his eyes off her. He didn't. Olivia was getting really nervous, did she look ridiculous or over dressed?

"You look beautiful." He said raising his head to meet hers.

Olivia's heart flustered again. She walked towards him, returning his beautiful smile.

"Thank you." She held his arm and walked away with him the moment the violin started.

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An hour later,

Olivia laughed so loudly that her voice almost echoed in the sea. She was having an amazing time just sitting right there on that table filled with all that food, and candles. For the first time in a long time, she wasn't scared of romantic gestures.
Not only was this man a smooth talker, he was also funny and a good listener and the way he stared at her and cut her off in conversations just to remind her of how beautiful she was just made her so proud of herself. What was this side of him? Was it how the real Rafael Okonkwo really was? Why had he hidden this part of him and for how long?

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