Chapter 42

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"You're scared

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"You're scared."

Olivia exhaled.
She turned for the hundredth time to her other side as more clips of what had happened earlier kept on playing in her head. She could remember every detail every time she closed her eyes so much so that it was getting really hard for her to sleep. She could remember the hungry look in his eyes and his breath, his minty breath on her skin. His long hands as he rested them right on the wall beside her face. Thinking about it was making her heart race a lot.

Why on earth were memories of this man haunting her? Why was she thinking about him? Why now?

Olivia jumped up from her bed.

"Pathetic?" She asked herself "Me? Pathetic?"
She scoffed out loudly.

She had had enough of his arrogance, especially since it wasn't for her benefit all she wanted was to show how grateful she was to him for saving her life twice but he was making it really hard fit her. It couldn't go on. She wasn't going to let him keep disrespecting her like that. She had to let him know enough was enough, it was time for her to finally slay her demons one after the other. No more weaknesses, no more of people taking advantage of her choice to remain silent.

Maybe if she just confronted him, maybe if she just told him how terrified and uncomfortable he made her feel, just maybe, she could have a good night's rest then again, what was she going to say?

She had no idea. Something had to eventually come up once she was standing right there. Olivia got up from her bed. His room was literally a door away from hers. She put on her slippers as fast as she could and hurried to the door.

Olivia looked to her left and then to her right.
Was there really no one besides the both of them awake? She knew she had to make sure right before she got out, she closed the door gently. She could see it from where she stood, the brown door. She made her way towards it, still looking around to make sure no one was watching. She got to the door, took a deep breath shaking her hands two times.

This was it. There was no backing out now.
She knocked on the door gently.

One, two, three seconds

No one made a sound. She waited an extra two seconds, still nothing. Was he asleep already?

She exhaled loudly.

How dare he sleep after he had made her lose sleep? No way. They needed to talk and they needed to talk now.

She knocked again and this time, she heard a crack sound on the door. It was at that point she had noticed it was slightly open.

That was weird.

His door was always closed. Rafael was the kind of man that didn't really like it when people walked in and out of his room when they liked so he always made sure it was shut.

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