Chapter 22

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"What? You met with Rafael Okonkwo!"

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"What? You met with Rafael Okonkwo!"

Olivia didn't know if that was supposed to be a question or an exclamation or both, but she knew was Amarachi's loud voice must have alerted the whole police station. This was why she never told her anything. Amarachi had never been the one to keep her voice or excitement in check when she was amazed or angry or happy about something. Everyone yards away from her just had to know about it and this was what always got her mother so upset.

Walls have ears.
That idiom was definitely meant just for Amarachi. It just had to be.

"Keep your voice down for Christ's sake."
Olivia tried to warn her the moment the police man opened the door to the interrogation room to see if everything was fine right before he closed it back.

"Oh my gosh." Amy rushed as lightening to Olivia's bench. She knew she needed all the gist and she just had to seat so close to Olivia to get it.

"Oh my goodness, you have to give me all the details and you have to give it to me fast. Why was he here? What did he wear? Does he really look better than he does on TV? Does he really smell like heaven too? His eyes, are they really pitch black? Oh my gosh thinking about him is giving me so much goosebumps already."

Olivia exhaled and shook her head, watching her cousin drool over a man she was probably never going to see again made her feel a lot of pity for Amy.

"I don't even know which question to answer first."
She murmured to herself, trying to hide the disappointment and hurt in her eyes

"I still can't believe it. How on earth was he here?"

"Is this how it is outside?" Olivia just had to ask her "Is everyone outside drooling for someone like Rafael Okonkwo?"

"Someone like Rafael Okonkwo?" Amarachi repeated, disgust evident in her voice  "Such disrespect. How dare you Olivia?"

"I'm just trying to understand why you're more excited than I was. Trust me, there's nothing amazing about him."

"You wish half the men in this country were half as perfect." She stared at Olivia "That man is like the champagne papi of this continent Olivia, he's so beautiful and strong, muscular enough."

"Champagne papi?" Olivia repeated. She had no idea what Amarachi meant.

"Drake." Amarachi added

"Drake has huge muscles now?"

"Of course Drake has huge muscles now-" Amarachi rolled her eyes, she wasn't even going to bother herself, that wasn't the point.  "How on earth did this happen Olivia?"

She was trying so hard to hide the excitement in her voice but it just kept showing itself.

"I mean how was he here? How did I even miss him?"

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