Chapter 44

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Olivia gasped for air as she jumped up from her sleep

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Olivia gasped for air as she jumped up from her sleep. She held on tight to her chest, hustling for air. She had had a nightmare, a really scary one. She pulled her hair back just so they didn't have to stick to the beads of sweat on her forehead and wiped the drop of tear that fell from her eyes. How on earth did she wake up so sad and scared? She was sweating even under the air conditioning.

Did she just say air conditioning?

Olivia paused for a while, she needed a second to catch her breath then she slowly turned to the bed. It felt awfully comfortable and was really huge. She looked around the room.

She couldn't recognize it. It was way different from the room she remembered, the room she always slept in. Where was she?

Olivia knew she had to try to calm herself a bit if she really wanted to think about what had happened the night before.

She took deep breaths, trying to stop her heart from racing. Breath after breath, shutting her eyes the whole time till pieces of the night before started finding their way into her memory. She remembered. She remembered walking into the room, she remembered meeting Rafael sick on the floor and cleaning his wound.

She remembered feeding him his medicine and taking him to bed. She also remembered what happened after then.

What happened after then?

She lowered her gaze to her dress hoping her memory wasn't failing her, she just had to make sure nothing else happened besides her cuddling Rafael to sleep just to keep him warm.

Her night dress seemed in tact. Her buttons were perfect, she didn't feel different. She exhaled in relief. She needed a second, a second to get her legs to move again.

What on earth was wrong with her? Why was she feeling that way? Why did she have tears in her eyes? Why did she wake up feeling so sad and empty? Olivia sniffed and then cleaned her eyes again . She had to make sure she was good before she walked out of that door.

Olivia slowly got up from the bed, her legs felt so wobbly but she managed to walk to the edge the bed. She drew in a deep breath then rubbed her arms to warm herself. She looked around.

Of course he had to be better now seeing that his room was back to feeling like a coffin for vampires. How could he stay in a place like that?

It was her first time.
Her first time of actually taking notice of how great his room was. The interiors were top notch. Right from the carved door, to the two seater couch, to the three marbled stairs leading to the king sized bed.

She could see the wardrobe at the far end of the room. It was really huge and covered in glass. She couldn't count all the shoes in it but she knew they were a lot, arranged perfectly in all sorts of colors and leathers. There was a smaller glass paces away from it. That had to be where he kept his ties and his wristwatches, his cufflinks too. He never went anywhere without those if there was one thing she observed about him. There was another wardrobe behind it, that had to be where he kept his clothes.

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