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Jenna's Point of View

It's been 1 year since Johnny left Chicago for Seoul Korea, I've never went to Korea before. I pure Korean but born in Chicago, I am Jenna Seo, my birth name is Seo Young Hee which is I don't really use it because some people here in America can't pronounce it properly, me myself also can't pronounce it well, my Korean is really bad, unlike my brother who did his best to have a fluent Korean.

My brother is always the one who always supports me, he is my one and only love, my bond with my brother is so strong, I am too close to my brother, which makes me sad when he left, but he promised me that I can visit him this summer which is tomorrow.

I am currently trying to fit everything in my luggage, never thought 2 luggage is not enough for me, I have to bring many clothes so I won't have to worry about doing laundry while I'm on my vacation with my dear brother.

It's summer break here in Chicago, but I heard it's not yet summer break in Korea according to my Kpop addict friends and my parents, which is good, I want to see Korean students, I want to see what they do on their daily school life. I'm lack of Korean experience, I think I won't fit in if I ever think twice moving there for college, Johnny or his friends can help me.

I went to my parents room to inform them I'm done packing my stuff for Korea.

" Mom I'm done preparing for Korea" I said to her when I entered my parent's room.

"That's good" she give me her positive smile "Let's have dinner then, shall we?" we walked out of my parent's room, on the way to the way, we made a stop at my parent's work room and called dad for dinner.

When we entered the dinning area we all seated on our perspective seats, my parents discuss about work and I just listen for awhile since I want to enjoy my food before they talk about my vacation. They are the type of parents that are willing to guide you the best and worst path.

'No man walk straight to success, ups and downs are always ahead you'

That's the quote that my dad thought me when I was younger and I also believe on it since nobody is perfect.

"So, is my baby daughter ready to travel alone to see my baby son?" here it comes, my dad starts to ask, I gave him a smile after swallowing my food.

"Yes dad, everything is ready and prepared" he gave me his two thumbs up "That's my daughter" he proudly said to me.

"I want to come and see Young Ho too" my mom said sadly "but work is stopping me to go anywhere I want"

"Don't worry" my dad put his hand on my mom's shoulder "I'm suffering with you anyways" I just laugh of what my dad said, mom slapped his hand away from her and replied "I missed my one and only son" I just smile because of the sweet scene that they are having right now.

"Like what I told you, we are suffering together" my dad joked to my mom again and this time my mom laughed with me.

After our dinner we part way, they went to their room and I went to my room, my phone suddenly rang.

"What do you want?" I answered the call.

"I just want to hear my sister before she goes to bed or before whatever she is going to do after" I laughed at my weird brother, he is really weird sometimes, like extremely weird.

"Why are you so weird? What did you eat? Did you skip breakfast?" I pestered him some questions to fire back at him "I just missed you darling" he replied with a flirty voice. YUCKS! "Is that really your sister?" I heard someone asked in the background and he replied 'yes' to that person.

"I'm coming to Korea anyways, so eat something before your illness gets worst" I mocked at him "Go to work! I want to rest"

"Don't go!" he screamed, I put my phone away "Just sleep in the plane, so you won't be sleepy when you arrive here and we can go anywhere you want" GOSH! This rare human being is super rare. HAHAHAHA!!

"Fine!" I gave up on this human being "What do you want?"

"Just to annoy you" he laughed "I can tell you want to burn me now" he still continues to laugh.

"How about you talk to that person you're with" I said to him sarcastically, I still wonder why I have this kind of brother, weird, cute wannabe when he is tall "NAAHH!! He is cooking breakfast since we had a sleepover"

"I hope your house is clean when I arrive there" I swear, I'm not going to clean his house, not even a single trash "No worries sister, everything is clean"

"Should I believe in you?"


"I should go now, food is ready and we have to go soon for work" He said to me. FINALLY! This conversation is going to end "Goodnight Young Hee, sleep well, dream of me and please take care while you're on your way here, OK?" I smiled, it's making me miss him even more "I will Johnny, You too, please stop being a clumsy human being" I laughed at the last part, he also laughed too.

"I will be there, Ok?" he said "Byeeeee" I ended the call and prepared myself to go to bed.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day in order to see my brother.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now