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Jenna's Point of View

How amazing, Chenle left me with this guy that I don't want to see.

I tried to reach for my phone that was placed in the nightstand next to the bed, but Yoon Oh got it before me, he took my bag and carried me out of the clinic, I heard people started to gossip again.

Yoon Oh put me in the car and lock it before I could go out, he went in right away and drove away.

"Why didn't you reply to my text?" He asked.

"Why should I? When you are about to marry someone just because your parents hates me" He didn't say anything, he just drive wherever he is planning. I didn't bother to look at him, I just look out at the window and let the tears slip until I black out again.

Yoon Oh's Point of View

I drove away from the city, where Johnny, Kun, my parents can't find us. I stopped driving and look at the woman beside me, there are dried tears on her face, she is asleep.

I hugged her fragile body, I know soon enough I will lose her and never get to have her in my arms again because of this stupid set up.

"Let go of me" She demanded.

"I can't" I hugged her more tighter "I'm scared to let you go"

"I don't own you anymore Jung Yoon Oh, soon you are someone else's husband" she started to cry again "please let go, give me some space, I want to rest"

"Please drive me back to Johnny's house, I want to rest, I've been studying last night and I only have two hours of sleep and early morning I was greeted with that news" she tried to unleash me from her "that's the only thing I'm going to ask for now"

I started to let her go, she didn't say anything.

"If I take you back to Seoul, will you talk to me? Will you let me explain?" She didn't say a single thing to me "please say something"

"I think you are willing to runaway from me if you have too" I said faintly "please don't do this to me"

She got off the car, and started walking away, I followed her and dragged her back in the car.

"FINE! I WILL DO WHAT YOU ASKED, BUT IM NOT GOING TO LET YOU LEAVE ME" I started to drive back to Seoul and she didn't say a word.

We arrived at Johnny's house, she was about to leave the car when I pinned her in the car seat and attacked her lips, I forced her to open her mouth, I can feel her tears streaming down from her eyes. She didn't kiss me back, she just let me kiss her.

I slowly let her go, her eyes a tightly closed, with her tears tearing down "please don't leave me" I beg her the last time, she just shook her head.

"Let's have a break Yoon Oh" she just looked down "I don't know how to think anymore"

"Please don't do this!" I let my tears go, I don't know what to do, I felt the knives twisting in my chest "please don't!"

"I'm sorry" that's the only thing what's left in my mouth to say.

I let my tears burst like hell, I never noticed her left the car and went into the house just like that. I know it was my fault, I never told her that this stupid marriage was coming when I still have a time to spill this marriage before she finds out herself and now she did.

I tried to call Kun, but he just declined the call

Please don't leave her alone : Me

Kun : we won't

Kun : Please leave her alone Jae

Before I drove off, I sent her a text which is she probably won't read

I'm so sorry for not telling you anything about this, I'm just so scared to lose you, I hated myself because of this, I promise to try and break off this marriage for us to get back, please don't leave me, please don't leave Korea after your graduation, at least let me see your beautiful face, I'm sorry for breaking your trust, I know it's hard to build and gain, I don't want to see you cry because of me, but I just did it, I hated myself for making you cry like that, I just lost the beautiful woman that I really love and I regret it so much. The only thing I could do is to watch you graduate, listen to your speech, I know you can do it, I know you will get the highest honor since you are Jenna Seo. Jenna I love you so much, I don't know what to do without you, I'm sorry for everything thing I've done.

I went back to my house, and my 'fiancee' came out from the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm going to live in here" she simply said and hugged me, I didn't have the powers to move.

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