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Jenna's Point of View

Yoon Oh manage to finish doing his work, he started to keeps his things, prepare his self to get out of this office while me, still sitting on the same chair, waiting for this cute, shy guy to finish.

"Shall we go?" He finished, his case is already in his hand, he finally look like ready to get out of his office. I stood up of the seat and went to him, I followed him out of his office, there are still workers working, he bid goodbyes to them then we went to the elevator, it was only me and Yoon Oh inside this elevator.

Yoon Oh faced me, big smile on his face, bright red ears, dimples popping in his cheeks.

"So where should I take my girlfriend?" He asked, he tangled his fingers to mine, he kissed the knuckle of my hand. This guy is really romantic.

"Nice dinner" I give him a peck on his right cheek, exactly where his dimple always come out.

"I know a place" Yoon Oh tapped the tip of my nose using his left pointer finger, I suddenly felt the heat in my cheek rising, Yoon Oh just laugh "look at you, blushing" the elevator doors open, he lead me to his car that is parked here in the basement.

He lead me to a black BMW car, I guess it's his other car.

"New car?" I asked Yoon Oh since it look so fresh.

"Yup, I just got it last week and it's my first time using it" he said, he opened the door for me and then went to the drivers side to get in "I thought about using this car on our dinner date, and you are the first person who gets to sit there" he gave me a kiss on my left cheek.

"I'm honored" he started the engine "I suddenly miss home, where I can always drive around" he started to drive out of the parking spot, then way out of the basement.

"You have your international drivers license, why don't you drive here?" He asked while driving "I'm not comfortable" I plainly replied.


"Maybe because is not my car? Maybe because I still don't know the place or rules? Or maybe I'm not confident enough?" I laughed of what I said "and how did you know about my international drivers license?" Lemme guess?

"Seo Young Ho" ayy! That human can't shut his mouth.

"I'm starting to think what else Johnny shared" I look out the window, looking at the beautiful Seoul, city lights, busy buildings, people walking in the sidewalks.

"Everything" No wonder why he fell for me.

I stayed silent for awhile, enjoying the nice view. It seems relaxing just watching people, walking, lights everywhere, buildings and cars passing by.

"Are you alright?" Yoon Oh asked with a worried tone, he held my left hand, I looked at him, driving with 1 hand on the wheel. Romantic.

"Perfect, just relaxing" I replied and smiled to him "Don't worry about me, I'm alright" I rub my thumb on his knuckle and he smiled, still looking at the road.

After half an hour driver we arrived in a fancy restaurant which is owned one of his and Johnny's friends, Yuta is the manager of branch since the owner is also busy with some of his other business.

A waitress lead us inside to our seats, Yoon Oh offered a chair for me and pushed it a bit forward, then I spotted Yuta walking towards us.

"Hello lovebirds!" Yuta greet us "I didn't expect you to be here" Yuta let out a laugh.

"I want her to have a nice dinner, so I thought bringing her here" Yoon Oh replied, I just smiled.

"Nice choice bro!" They both had a fist bro "food here is great Jenna, but Jae Hyun's cooking is much more better for you" Yuta said with a wink, I just laughed.

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