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Jenna's Point of View

We safely land in Johnny's house, his house is big, has a nice exterior, I spotted two cars parked. Maybe it's his car.

He took my luggage and drag it to the front door, the door suddenly open and a man smiled at us, he said something to Johnny that I don't understand a single word, we both got into the house, the guy helped Johnny with the luggage to bring it upstairs, I just trailed behind them.

"This is your room" Johnny open a huge door, we went into the room, the room was too big for me, it has a couch, a nice bathroom, walk in closet, balcony.

"But you'll probably sleep in my room tonight since I know you miss sleeping next to your handsome brother" the guy laughed of what he said, I gave him a bad look "let's go down, I'll introduce you to the intruders" Johnny joked and I just trailed behind them again.

I never thought that Johnny could keep this place clean, well it's a big accomplishment of a man who lives on his own, without trashing his nice home.

We arrived at the kitchen and I saw five guys doing something, one guy just cooking, the rest cleaning, washing and pestering the one that is cooking, the guy that helped Johnny while ago said something and they all turned to our direction.

"Hey guys" Johnny started "this is my sister Seo Young Hee, but she prefers to be called Jenna Seo, please don't harm her or I'll kill you all, sister these are my friends also an intruders of my home Mark Lee, he is Canadian and you won't have difficulty of talking to him" he pointed to the short guy with a sharp jaw, Mark wave at me and I wave back.

"That's Lee Hae Chan, if he annoys you or try to be evil around you please stay away from him right away" I just laughed, he pointed to the short guy that was pestering the one cooking.

"Over there we got Dong Si Cheng, Kim Do Young and Qian Kun" Si Cheng and Do Young are washing some plates while ago, I smile to them and Kun was helping the one cooking "this guy beside me is Nakamoto Yuta, my Japanese friend" he introduced me to the guy who helped him while ago.

"And lastly" I look at him "that is Jung Yoon Oh but we call him Jaehyun since it was his nickname" he pointed to the one who was cooking "my sister likes a man who can cook" he suddenly said such stupid thing and they 'awe' at me and Yoon Oh, his ears suddenly turned red, they started teasing him I just laughed since I don't know what the heck they are saying.

I looked at him, he was still wearing formal office clothes without a coat and tie, he is so white, handsome, he has deep dimples, he has a nice smile, he is tall. And my awesome brother dragged me to the table, Mark and Hae Chan came with us and sat with us.

"He is single if you are attracted to him" Hae Chan started to tease me, what does Korean even eat and turned like this? Wait, I'm also Korean but not as weird as them.

"Come on guys, I just got here and now you are welcoming me like this?" I said with a puppy face "maybe later?" Johnny ruined my puppy face, Kun starts putting up the food in the table, I stood up and followed Kun, in order to get out of those monkeys.

"Do you need something?" Yuta asked me and I just shook my head.

"I just want to stay away from those" I pointed to those three monkeys laughing, Yuta laughed "is there anything I can help?" I tip toed behind Yuta while asking.

"Nope, we don't want the guest to serve" Yuta replied with a smile, he went back to the dinning table with Kun to put the food, Johnny, Mark and Hae Chan keeps on signaling me to go to Yoon Oh, I just went back where I was seated while ago.

Everything was already settled, everyone is already at the table, I was sitting beside Johnny and Yuta, they are looking at me like waiting for something.

"What?" I asked them.

"You have to taste it first" Yoon Oh said, he was just across me.

I was going to pick something when he took my plate before me and place something, when he returned the place to me he gave me that cute smile, everyone was watching at me. What the heck even is this?

I taste the chicken first so they would stop looking at me and also they would eat. After I took a bite of the chicken, the chicken was so good "how is it?" Kun asked me.

"It's so good" Kun smiled to Yoon Oh after I complimented "Jae Hyun cooked everything, so you should eat everything to fall for him" Hae Chan started to speak again, I just let them tease me and eat silently, Hae Chan and Mark is really loud, Yuta and Johnny always tags along.

I finished eating first, I just remained in my seat to wait for them to finish.

"You're done?"  Yuta asked.

"Yes, I don't eat much" I smiled to him.

"Is it the food?" He asked me again, I shook my head and he sighed for a relief.

"The food is good, never thought a guy could cook this good" I complimented to the food again, it was indeed good, not to bad for a guy like Yoon Oh.

"Jae Hyun should move in here since she like his cooking" Mark said, and again, Hae Chan's mouth opened for another crap to say "stop it guys" Kun stopped them, thank God Kun existed in this room "she probably had enough of you guys" I smiled to Kun and mouthed 'thank you'.

After those loud humans finished eating they started cleaning, I was alone with Kun and Yoon Oh in the table eating fruits while the others are washing plates and cleaning, good for them.

"Are they always like that?" They both nod in Union "but Hae Chan is the worst" I just laughed of what Yoon Oh said

"You know" Kun started to talk seriously "you don't have to be shy around us, Me and Jae Hyun don't bite" Kun laughed a little.

"Don't worry about them, teasing you" Kun continues, I wish I had a brother like Kun, not an annoying one.

"Don't worry, I'm also in the hot seat" Yoon Oh joked "let's suffer together"

"You mean, let's love each other's?" Johnny yelled, I looked at him and he give me his disgusting wink.

"Shut it single man, you should go find yourself a woman" the guys started shouting 'burn' at him while Yuta keeps on laughing.

"Your sister is probably gonna let you sleep outside tonight" Mark joked at him.

They already left and I prepare myself to go to bed, I was about to lay down when I heard a knock on the door, I went to open it and Johnny was standing there.

"I'm sleeping here" he came in and went to my bed, I went to him quickly "did you enjoy?" I just nod my head since I'm really tired.

"Do you know the reason why I always tease you with Jae Hyun?" I just shook my head "I actually want you to try with Jae Hyun, because I realized that you perfectly fit for him, he is kind, fun, caring, while you are also the same, Jae Hyun might be older to you, but he doesn't mater of the age, because what is important to him is love"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Jae Hyun is looking for a love, when I told him about you he suddenly got interested, I just didn't want to say it through phone because I want you to hear it from my mouth"

"Stop lying" I said to him and sling my arms in his waist.

"I am not, his ears even turned red every time we tease him, you didn't notice he even took care of you during the dinner, he even sat across you, I even saw him looking at you while you are eating" I just look at him "you should sleep"

"You look tired" I just nod to him again "good night darling" he kissed my forehead.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now