Special Chapter

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AYY!! I thought this story won't reach 4K reads, but it's a good sign......

Thank you for reading my story, please don't forget to vote this story, I've been trying to keep this story neat, please continue to support me on my next story, I already had a draft of the story and I'm not yet sure what to put as a title.

I hope you will like this specially chapter, I forgot that I made this and I noticed this just last month. Please vote on this story, THANK YOU AGAIN!

Jaehyun's Point of View

"When we get married" I started a conversation to Jenna who is pretty bored next yo me "where do you want to get married?"

"Anywhere will do, specially there is a groom" she replied while her eyes are being glued to the TV, really bored.

"You know the groom is waiting right here" I sarcastically said to her, she looked up to me.

The door suddenly burst open, Haechan entered with a 'bitch walk', why is he even here?

"Hello birds! Johnny left me here and you will babysit this handsome baby" he said, he jumped in between us "get up and let's bond, you gotta practice having a child"

"Sorry dear" I sweetly said to him "but we are not having wild animals , we are going to have kids" he was about to attack me when another idiots came in.

"Why are you here?" Jenna asked Renjun, Jaemin and Jeno who just came in.

"Haechan asked us to tag along, we didn't know he was planning to disturb you" Renjun explained.

"Come on!" Haechan started to stick his self to me and rubing his body to me "your baby is hungry"

"Baby my face!" I fired to him and gave me a pout "ehhhwww! I won't even wonder if you and Johnny are blood related" I said and moved him away from me.

"If you will have kids, which one of us is your ideal kids?" Jaemin asked Jenna, we all looked at Jenna, waiting for her answer.

"Probably child like Jeno or Jisung, Jeno behaves really well sometimes, Jisung is all cute and innocent, I don't want my children to have polluted minds" she explained.

"You know, Jeno is also kind of abnormal sometimes you know?" Haechan sarcastically asked, Jaemin laughed "when he suddenly screams for no reason, or when he's bored"

"I'm not as abnormal as you!" Jeno shouted at Haechan, Haechan only sticked out his tongue ad Jeno.

"What should we do to them?" I  sneakily whispered to Jenna.

Jenna shrugged "Lock them down?" Answered unsurely.

"You go to the car first and I'll meet you there" I instructed her and she just nod with a sweetie smile. My favorite smile!

"I will go get something first" Jenna excused herself and they really didn't bother.

After she left I also sneak out without letting them notice since they are busy arguing in my very own room.

After I successfully sneak out, I went to the car and drive away as possible.

Jaemin's Point of View

"I guess Johnny was right" I said to them, Haechan and Jeno stopped arguing about who is the most annoying among them when they are so annoying right now "they left" Haechan smirked while me and Jeno are clueless with his deal to them.

"Mission success!" Haechan cheered while me and Jeno are clueless "Johnny wants them to have an outside date because they always have their date in the house or somewhere private"

"What are we going to do now?" Jeno asked.

"Let's play!" Haechan stood up from the bed and dragged me and Jeno some room that has a computer sets "I think we are not allowed here" Jeno warned Haechan.

"Don't worry, I play here a lot of times, Jaehyun always let me play here or we play together" he explained and turned on three computers.

We continued to play until we didn't notice the time that it's already midnight.

We didn't notice that we played to long until Jaehyun came back, carrying Jenna in his arms, sleeping peacefully. I stopped playing the game and helped him get Jenna to his bed.

"So what happened?" I asked him when he finally tucked her to bed.

"Nothing much, she only asked me to go to watch movies, eat some street food cart, and hang out in Han River" Jaehyun explained while looking at Jenna with loving eyes.

"That's sweet, she is so simple" I said to Jaehyun, Jaehyun looked at me "I wish I will also meet a simple girls like her in the future" Jaehyun patted my shoulder.

"If you guys don't mind, just stay here for a night, it's late and dangerous if you go home this late and I'm a little tired" Jaehyun said as he stood up and we walk out of his room.

"I think they won't stop playing PUBG either, we played non stop" I truthfully answered him with a shy giggle "we haven't eaten dinner yet, because we didn't notice the time" Jaehyun stopped on his tracks and look at me seriously "I will make something, don't worry!" I tried fo make him look at me less serious.

"Aish! You kids!" Jaehyun playfully flicked my forehead "I will make you something, go tell those two idiots" he shoo me away to call them and I walked back to the game room.

Haechan's Point of View

"Jaehyun and Jenna is back"  I announced plainly, non of them look at me or answered me.

"Jaehyun is making us food" still didn't bother.

"Jaehyun was worried and flicked my forehead" they both looked at me.

"Oppssss!" I exclaimed "I think he will flick us too" Jaemin said to Jeno, Jeno worriedly covered his foredhead.

"We should go downstairs" I announced, they both stood up and followed.

"Finally!" Jaehyun said "I think leaving three was also the worst mistake ever" Jaehyun sarcastically said to us.

"At least you enjoyed your time with Jenna" I started to tease him, but he only glared to me.

"If something bad happens to you three, I won't hesitate to kick your asses" Jaehyun aimed the chopsticks to him as me and Jeno just laughed.

"Here, eat this and clean the dishes" Jaehyun placed nice meals in the table "sleep any rooms you like, just don't stay late, I think being a father to a children like you guys is a massive headache" Jaehyun mumbles while walking out of the kitchen.

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