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Jenna's Point of View

When I went home, a paper bag was sitting on the door step. I took the bag and it was also addressed for me.

Jung Yoon Oh

"What does he want from me?" I asked myself.

I opened the bag and took the letter first,

My love

I heard about the news, you are on top again, I'm so proud of you. I always wish to be there for you.

I saw this gift in the mall and it reminds me of you, I really hope you would accept it and keep it.

I know we haven't talked properly, I will leave you to cool off first and soon let's talk about it, I regret everything, I miss you so much, I don't know what I'm going to do, but I will find my way back to my home, which is you.

I miss you so much, please talk to me.

I love you.

I put back the letter and took the velvet box, when I opened it, it was a beautiful diamond ring, I put back the box.

I went inside the house and Johnny was already sitting in the living room with Kun, with a big smile, like they just won the lottery.

"What's that?" Johnny asked, I hand him the bag and they opened it.

"Open it" I said before turning to the stairs "keep it or throw it, I don't want it" I left the room right away.

I went to my room and locked the door before letting my tears flow out of my eyes.

After what he done?

After I saw him with another woman?

After he went off to get engage to someone else?

He still have the guts to send me bullshit that I don't want.

Yoon Oh's Point of View

I stayed in my office for the rest of the night since I don't want to go back to my house and face that woman.

My phone suddenly buzzed from my pocket, I quickly took it without looking at the caller.

"Hello, Jung Yoon Oh speaking" I answered with a little soul.

"Jae Hyun? This is Kun"

"Kun, why did you suddenly call?" I asked, I sit up straight.

"Where are you right now? I need to talk to you" I can already sense about something bad again.

"I'm in my office, do you want to meet somewhere?"

"No, I will be there in 30 minutes" Kun ended the call.

I put back my phone and dig my face to my palms.

I only left her a gift.

Did I make her cry again?

Couple minutes later, Kun arrived here with a straight face "Kun, please make yourself comfortable" I offered him a seat and he took a seat, he put the paper bag on the coffee table. The bag is the one I left for Jenna.

"Why did you send this to her?" He said without looking at me.

"I don't know, I just wanted to give her that" I look down.

"And what?" Kun raised his voice "make her cry?"

"She already had enough Jae Hyun!" I didn't look up to Kun, since I know he is also mad of what I did "Jae Hyun, please!"

"Give her a rest, give her some space"

I didn't want to say anything since I am just being desperate to have her back and I myself can also tell that I am already out of control.

"Jae Hyun please, I beg you"

"I want her back Kun" I let my tears flow alone "I badly miss her Kun, I badly need her"

"Jae Hyun, if you want her back, fix your problems first" I shook my head and look up to him.

"I don't know how"

"I really don't know how to deal with you, but please leave her alone" Kun left the room, I continued to cry and let go every tears I have.

Jenna's Point of View

Graduation day

The day had finally come, the day I've been waiting and the day that I can finally do whatever I want that can make me happy.

I sat on the chair, waiting for this ceremony to start, while my parents and my siblings are sitting somewhere, I can clearly hear Johnny's fangirls cheering.

The cheer becomes more louder when that person went to the stage and shake hands with the University's dean and officers.

"I didn't know he is coming here" Chenle spoke beside me and I just smiled.

"Don't worry Lele, I promised you that I can do it, right?" Chenle smiled.

"Seo Young Hee! Seo Young Hee!" I heard Mark, Jeno, Haechan, Renjun, Jaemin and my childhood friend Xiaojun cheering somewhere out there while me and Chenle just laughed.

As the ceremony started until the time came that I will do my speech, they called me to the stage.

As I stood in front of everyone, my parents, my brothers, my friends, everyone in the hall becomes silent.

"Hello everyone" I started "first of all I would like to congratulate each and everyone who is in this hall, we have worked together as one, I may not know some of the people in here, but I am glad we made it. I would also like to thank you for being friendly to me and also to the professors who thought me a lot of things. College is the most tough stage of our lives, without ups and downs our life is so boring, right?" Everyone in the room agreed, but mostly.

"SEO YOUNG HEE! THE BEST!" Jeno shouted from the crowd and other students laughed.

"We thought we can't make it, but we still did. Even we get sick, we still fight for a better future and to repay our parents for the hard work they made for us, now we've done it, we can have a better start and to enjoy our future, as we graduate I would like to Thank you for the beautiful moments I had with you all and the beautiful memories I had in this beautiful place of yours, we will all part ways while I go back to the place where I belonged, let us all start a new chapter and enjoy" I bowed to everyone and they started to cheer my Korean name

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now