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Yoon Oh's Point of View

After Han River Park, I took Jenna to have a nice dinner with me, good thing she still enjoys the food even it's not American, at least I introduced Korean culture and food to her, Johnny thought her some, but only the easy ones since Johnny also don't know Korean that much, these Koreans never learned anything about their own culture.

I understand in the situation since they are both born in Chicago, and this is Jenna's first time in Korea so it's new to her.

After dinner we drove to Namsan to fulfill her wish of going there during the night time.

We took the cable car, we had a small talk, she was enjoying the view of the city and the mountain, she felt a bit refreshed by the air in this mountain.

After the cable car ride, we are taking the stairs to go to the tower.

"Come" I kneeled 1 knee in front of her, she looked surprised of my offer "all the way end of the stairs?" She asked, I answered a nod to her. I wanted her to feel the romantic air of the night by Jung Yoon Oh.

"Nah, it's fine" she was about to continue to walk in the stairs when I pulled her to my back, I held both of her legs so she won't fall "hold tight" I said and smiled to this beautiful lady at my back.

On the way up she was silent, she just hug me while her cheeks are touching mine. I'm glad that I was born romantic to a special girl, The one and Only woman I love and to live for.

On the every end of the stairs she asked me to put her down, I did what she asked for, I pulled her inside the tower to ride the elevator.

When we arrived here in the top of Namsan she look so happy watching the city lights of Seoul, the lights of the cars running in the city.

"Do you like it?" I asked her, she look at me looking so happy "Yes, I love it so much, thank you so much for taking me here" she hug me and I hug her back "anything for you love"

She took pictures of the City Lights, I took a picture of her taking pictures then she saw me and she covered her face, I took a picture of the cute moment "Please pose and smile for me" she did what I said and I took a picture of her doing the V pose, I went to her and we took a picture together.

After taking pictures I took her inside to buy locks, I let her go to pick a lock for herself and I also did the same, she came back to me and she was about to pay for her lock when I took her lock and paid for it instead "Why did you do that?" she asked, I gave her a sharpie to write something on her look "Because I love you" I replied to her, she wrote my name in English and I wrote hers in Korean, after writing we locked it together, I gave her the key to mine and I took hers.

"Why did you do that?" she asked me again.

"Because my heart is locked up to yours, and you have the key to my heart, you are the only one who can open it and I'm the only one who can open yours" i said positively and I remembered something "But, I'm not your girlfriend" I just smile and kneeled in front of her "Yoon Oh, stand up, people are looking at us" she whispered at me "Then let them look" I said without thinking.

"I've been  single since 1997, I know a lot about you because of your brother, without his help I'm probably in the 'crushing on you stage', I fell into deep love with you because of Johnny, what Johnny told me was the exact the same, I am here to tell you I'm willing to do everything to make you happy, to protect you, please accept me to be yours and I know we had a short time, but I'll make you happy in every way I could"

Jenna's Point of View

I look at Yoon Oh, I can't explain how I am feeling right now, I don't know what say specially people are looking at us. I looked around and people are also waiting for me to answer Yoon Oh.

I look back at Yoon Oh patiently waiting for me to answer, I just nod and people starts cheering, Yoon Oh hugged me tightly "I love you" he whispered in my ear.

"Are you happy?" He just nod "I'll make sure to make you fall for me" he said positively.

After that Yoon Oh took me home, he stayed with me, he slept in the guest room alone since he wants to give me space, he wants to take things slow with me.

Did you like this story? Please leave comments, I really want to know other people, readers, and NCTzen's thoughts of this story, if it lacks. I also want to know if someone is still reading my story 😂😂

On the top, how was my edit? I still have more edits on my twitter @wuxiaohong94 also on IG @smtownspazzerr

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