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Jenna's Point of View

"So you knew that dad actually had a child with Kun's mom?" I asked to mom.

"I knew, Kun's mom came to Chicago, in our home and told your dad the news that she is pregnant with Kun, I heard them talk, I was going to run away with Johnny that time, but he stopped me from leaving since he was scared something might happen to Johnny and me" I just nod of what mom said "as a decent mother, I would put my child's safety first"

"Ahh! That's so sweet" Johnny suddenly ruined the moment by standing in one leg, the other one on the air, holding his hands together like an idiots fairy "mommy cares for his handsome cute son" I slapped Johnny's back while mom just laughed at us.

"But I hope you guys would get along with Kun, stay next to him, treat him like how you both treat each other's" I just nod.

"She doesn't even treat me good, I think when I introduced Kun to her when she arrived, she treated Kun like a brother than me" He complained while pointing at me, this childish Johnny that I want to kick.

"You keep teasing me with your 'not so funny stupid jokes'" I fired back "Kun even protected me from your virus"

"Come on" Johnny came near me to get a hug and I just pushed him away "stay away from me you jerk" mom just laughed at us, Yoon Oh suddenly came in with boxes of pizza, and some snacks.

"I'm back" Yoon Oh greeted us with a smile "I hope pizza is fine"

"It's alright dear, it's afternoon anyways, snacks!" mom went to Yoon Oh to help him with the food and left the room.

"I still can't believe that Kun is our brother" Johnny said, I slapped his back "how dare you didn't share to me"

"Mom told me not to tell you until now" he whined.

"Does Yoon Oh know?" I asked.


Dad and Kun came out in the room, Kun just looked down while dad had his arm on Kun's shoulder "are you both alright?" Johnny asked them, Kun look up on Johnny and just nod.

"Don't worry, I'm just" Kun paused "shocked" he continued to look down.

"Come on brother, turn that sad face to a one big happy smile" Johnny happily cheered for Kun "you are part of this family"

"Yeah!" I cheered "suffer with me Kun with this" I pointed at Johnny, Kun let out a little laugh "now where is that cheery, happy, smiley, amazing, smart Kun" I placed my hands on my hips, like a boss infront of him.

"Thank you guys, I know I'm just a exist baggage to your family" Kun said bitterly, I went to Kun to hug him.

"I need a brother like you Kun, the one can protect me from that infected other brother in there, I've been thankful too that you came to our lives" I snuggled in my brother's shoulder "I hope we can create good memories together as a happy family, right?" Kun smiles and nod to me.

"That's good to hear you guys are comfortable, let's forget the past and focus on the future" Mom came in with Yoon Oh, with pizza and drinks "how about we eat snacks together, shall we?" We all nod.

Kun sat next to me while Yoon Oh in the other side, we chatted random stuffs with Yoon Oh, Kun and my parents. Johnny reported to my parents about me and Yoon Oh, it also made my parents laugh and proud.

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