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Jenna's Point of View

Time finally came, I am going back to the place where I used to live properly, and most of all I won't bother Yoon Oh again

"Bye Johnny, let's meet again back at home, ok?" I hugged Johnny for the last time.

"The house is going to be lonely again" he playfully acted lonely kid.

"Ay" I slapped his arm "Kun got your back, so stop being a baby" we all laughed.

"So, we will go now" I smiled to all of them, I look at Yoon Oh who looked at me full of hatred, I smiled to him "I hope to see you guys again in Chicago" me and Xiao Jun turned and pushed our carts to the entrance of the airport, before I went in, I look back again and wave to them, they wave back except Yoon Oh.

Tae Yong's Point of View

Me and Jae Hyun went back to my car right after we all partway.

"What if she will turn out pregnant?" I asked while he just look straight.

"Then Xiao Jun is going to be the father" he simply replied.

"Jae Hyun, are you stupid?" I looked at him "can't you just at least be faithful to her? Can't you just at least tell her your stupid mistake? The thing you did while she was drunk, when you took advantage of her"

"I never took advantage of her!" He screamed right in my face.

"Then why did you do it?" I calmly asked him.

"I just want to go back to her, all I want is her to come back to me" he turned away from me.

"Jae Hyun, what you did won't solve your problem" I pat his back "I'll just drive you back to your house so you could rest"

I drove Jae Hyun back to his house, he fell asleep on the way here. He seemed like he didn't have enough sleep for the past few days.

Jae Hyun never really wanted to do this force marriage he is stuck in right now, he was just forced because of his parents. Jae Hyun's parents are against with his relationship with Jenna because Jenna and Johnny's dad and Jae Hyun's dad has a conflict before, because Jae Hyun's dad used to date their mom before and their dad got into a force marriage then later during the marriage they fell for each other's that's how they conflict.

"Jae" I called and poke him, he immediately sit up "we are here"

"Back again with this living hell with this annoying 'Wife wanna be' woman" I just patted him.

"Do you think I will end up like how my dad did?" He suddenly ask.

"I don't know Jae"

"Never mind" he took his seatbelt off and gave me a weak smile "I will go now, drive safe" he left the car and weakly walk to his front door.

Johnny's Point of View

I still can't believe what just Tae Yong said about Jae Hyun and Jenna. I can't tell wether he is telling the truth or he is just putting some stupid things in my mind.

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