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Simple things happens, life goes by like how it should go.

Jenna's Point of View

Four years have passed by since I started studying here in Seoul, I live perfectly fine, me and Yoon Oh are fine, Johnny is still the same human being I know, Kun is fine, he stayed with me and Johnny after our dad asked him and he can't say 'no' to him, helps me with things likes University stuffs.

This year is my Senior year, Chenle is pretty sad about it because he might go back to China to continue living their with his parents.

I don't know whether I should go back to Chicago or stay here, my parents never demanded me to stay or go back, they only asked me to follow my dreams and make it successful.

Right now I'm preparing for my Finals exam and it's currently midnight, Johnny is somewhere I don't know, but Kun is in his room. Speaking of Kun, Kun to move in because why not? Our dad asked him to move and Johnny also keep on pestering him about moving in with us, since we are siblings, we should stay together in one house, Johnny also had a point, which is also Yoon Oh's advantage, he can ask Kun if Johnny is not home to spy on me.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Kun came into the room, with annoyed face and annoyed tone, I signaled him to sit next to me "what do you want?" He asked me, he looked tried of waiting for me to sleep.

"Test me one more time" Kun sigh and took my book.

"You know, dad said it's fine if you won't be on the high honors" Kun stated.

"I don't want to be in such shame, you graduated with high honors, Johnny?" I suddenly remembered Johnny Seo "Johnny is just High" Kun laughed of my joke.

"You are so harsh with Johnny" Kun messed my hair "Why don't you just go to bed" I was about to say something when he cut me off "I'm taking your books with me" I put a poker face on "good night darling, I know you can do better when you rest" Kun gave me a hug before he left.

After Kun left, I took my MacBook since I had a copy of my notes and continues to study.


I didn't notice the time, that means I only have 2 hours to sleep.

I closed my MacBook right away and have a small rest, before Kun will find out and kill me, like the last time he found me.

"Why are you still up?" Kun came into my room, he closed my books and took it "Don't you know the effects of not having enough sleep? More or less you will see the hospital if something happens to you"

Kun started to act like a mother to me, he is overprotective when Yoon Oh is not around, specially when Yoon Oh ask him too.

"If you won't have enough sleep do you think you can answer everything? Your mind will be blank" I just nod "lay down, I'm staying here and sleep with you" Kun laid down next to me.

"I'm driving you to the campus later" he said before I fell asleep.

"Jenna" Johnny poked me "wake up, Kun made some breakfast" I just nod to him and stood up.

"Wow, I wonder how Jae Hyun dated a zombie" Johnny laughed at me.

"At least I have good grades" I said with a raspy voice "get out, I'm gonna change"

Johnny left the room and I went to have a shower, and dress like a human being. After I dressed up, I prepared my things and went to the kitchen, where Kun is cooking breakfast and Johnny helping him prepare.

"Good morning!" I greeted them "Kun can I have my notes back?" He pointed at the table where he placed it, I sat on the table and Kun placed my breakfast.

"Eat them all so you will have nutrients and you can answer your exam perfectly" Kun playfully messed my hair "and I'm driving you to the university" I just nod.

While eating, I also read my notes at the same time, the two joined me in the table, they are discussing about work again like usually daily topic, HAHAHAH!

After breakfast, we got ready to leave the house and we left the house together while Johnny went alone in different car.

During the car ride I still continue to memorize some shits that Kun is going to get pissed at me because I study too much blah blah blah.

It's natural.

"Can't you stop?" He said "the more you do that the more you forget"

"It's finals, and I want to leave this school as soon as possible" I said.

"If you get to graduate with High Honors you also have to prepare a speech" Kun sarcastically replied.

"I'll just have to borrow yours and translate it in Korean" I playfully fired back at him.

"There is no way I'm going to let you do that" I pouted, we arrive in the campus "don't think about your exams too much, I know you can do it" I smiled to Kun and hug him before getting off the car.

When I got off the car, people were looking at me weirdly like I did something stupid.

"Did you know CEO Jung Jae Hyun is getting married to someone?" I heard some people gossip.

"Yeah, I heard it's not Jenna Seo" another one said.

"They even have an engagement party last night, do you think Jenna knows this?"

I went to the nearest comfort room and search for Yoon Oh's name, they were right, they did have an engagement party which is I never heard about.

I took a screenshot of the article and sent it to Yoon Oh, I turned off my phone and walked to my designated room.

As soon as the exam started, I focus on my test papers, I examined and answered everything, I reviewed everything to make sure that they are the right answers.

Chenle's Point of View

I noticed Jenna is not in the right stated, this whole day she didn't eat anything, during break times she disappears and appears again when breaks are over.

I really don't know what happened or what's running to her mind, but she is not alright.

I'm currently answering our last exam and Jenna finished first and I followed, she turned her papers to the professor and let her go, I finished mine right away and followed her. When I went out she was about to fall lucky I got her before she touched the floor.

"Jenna" I tried to shake her and wake her up, but she is not responding. I carried her to the clinic and called Jae Hyun first and then Johnny to inform them what happened.

I took Jenna's phone from her pocket, her phone was off, I turned it on and unlock it, a lot of messages from Jae Hyun came, I turned it back off since I don't want Jenna to find out I look through her phone.

Jae Hyun came, He was panting "is she alright?" I just shrugged "thank you for informing me and taking care of her Chenle" I just smiled to him and bowed.

"Did she say anything?" I just shook my head.

"She disappears when I wanted to talk to her and ask her what's wrong and she only appears when breaks are over" I answered to Jae Hyun "I should go home, I really want to rest"

"Take care" Jae Hyun said before I "Chenle, don't leave me with him, please" I turned around, Jenna was trying to reach out for me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"I will take her home, don't worry" Jae Hyun said, I left them both.

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