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Johnny's Point of View

My phone suddenly rang from the nightstand beside my sister's bed, I took it without looking who the heck is calling me this early during the weekend.

"Hello?" I answered this annoying phone call.

"Sir, it's Ms. Kim, there is an emergency meeting at Busan tonight, it's about your partnership with Mr. Lee" My Secretary said, out of all of the days? Why now? I feel lazy plus I can't just leave my sister here, unless.

"Fine! I'll be there" I look at my sister sleeping, what should I do?

"Sorry for the distractions Sir, I know your sister just got here"

"It's fine, I'll be there in an hour" I ended the call, when I gave my sister a hug, her body is really hot, I touched my forehead and her forehead to compare the heat, but the heat of hers is not the same with mine

"Ya aishh!" She flinched "baby" I tried to wake her up "Jenna" I said sweetly.

"What do you want? I'm tired" she said with a sleepy voice mixed with sick voice.

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave for awhile for work" I kissed her forehead "you are sick too, I will ask someone to stay here with you until I come back, ok?" She just nod "it's work, just go, I'm not dying anyways" she joked and smiled while hugging the pillow tightly.

I went back to my room to call someone that I could trust.

"Why do you have to call me this early?" The sleepy human being answered.

"I have an emergency meeting in Busan, can you please come and stay with my sister?" I know he would fly here right away.

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes!" I answered "but she just got here and now you're leaving her?"

"Just come here, I know you also want this, she is also sick" I said, I went to my closet to prepare the stuff I need while talking to his human being.

"I'll be there as fast as I could" HAHA! I KNEW IT!

"Ok, just don't tell or bring anyone else" he just ended the call into my face, how dare he!

I took a nice shower, and then prepare to leave.

I heard the front door open then I can hear footsteps coming to my door and.

BAM!! Jung Jae Hyun is finally here.

"You excited to spend time with your love?" I asked with a smirk, his ears turned red "ahh! Baby boy is no longer baby" I teased him.

"Come on Johnny" he said while covering his ears "what time are you going to leave?"

"Ah! You are already kicking me out of my own house?" I continued to tease him, I swear, also his entire face turned red "I'll leave now, just use protection, ok?" I pretend to walk out of my room and he stopped me right away.

"Come on, I was just asking" I pinched both of his cheeks "Johnny stop it" he whined like a little boy, Jae Hyun is so cute, no wonder why I got so close and treat him like a younger brother

"Anyways, I'm leaving soon, so please look after my sister and here, you can use this" I hand him my credit card.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her and you don't have to give me your card" he pushed my hand away "did she already have breakfast?" I shook my head "please feed her something good since she likes your cooking skill that could kill her heart" I joked and he laughed at it "I'll go now" I walked out of the room, I went to my sister's room, Jae Hyun just followed.

"Jae Hyun is here to take care of you love" I whispered without waking her up, I left her a kiss on her cheek, I stood up and faced Jae Hyun "I trust you and this is your chance Jae Hyun, I really hope you will do your best" I give him a positive smile.

Jae Hyun walked me to my car, when I drove out of the driveway, I saw Jae Hyun waving at me.

I really hope we will do fine with my sister.

Good day, how did you like it? I hope its good enough that can satisfy everyone

Happy birthday to dear Jeno too


My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now