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Jenna's Point of View

We arrived in the building, Johnny's building to be exact. We entered and Yoon Oh was already there, some reporters are filming us and taking pictures, Yoon Oh came to me and held my hand.

"Did they hurt you?" He whispered while walking towards the elevator.

"Nope" I smiled to him so he won't be worried to me like how Johnny reacted while ago. We arrived at the right floor, Johnny was standing waiting for us, Johnny came to me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry if that had to happen to you" He sounded really worried, he let go of the hug and lead us to a big hall, there are already reporters waiting for us to enter.

Johnny lead us to sit on the chairs that are prepare for the 3 of us, Lucas, Kun, Hae Chan and Mark went somewhere to sit.

"Good morning everyone" Johnny stood up and greeted everyone "I called every reporters here to clear things" Johnny paused, I looked at Yoon Oh he was calm, he mouthed me not to worry about it.

"The woman inside that car is not someone, she is my sister, she is on her vacation, Her name is Seo Young Hee, I'm here to speak on behalf of my sister since she doesn't know Korean language." Johnny started to speak again "She is in a relationship with CEO Jung or known as one of my best friend"

"Did CEO Jung got you pregnant Miss Seo?" someone from the crowded asked me in English, Yoon Oh covered his mouth to hold his laugh, I stood up, Johnny looked at me worriedly.

"I'm not pregnant nor CEO Jung touch me" I answered with full confident.

"We heard you are going to be in college soon, why are you in a relationship with someone like CEO Jung?" This woman is into Yoon Oh I think "Did your parents thought you to go after older man?"

"Yes, I'm going to start college soon, is it bad to be in a relationship with someone older than you? If you think me and CEO Jung did something sexual do you think a person like me would allow to get pregnant before graduating?" Johnny came beside me and hold me back.

"What is your real goal?" I heard Mark ask, the reporters looked at Mark and then went back to us.

"Make our parents proud, finish college, be successful like Johnny Seo" I smiled, at least Mark is here to chill me out from that woman, asking stupid questions.

A reporter stood, about to ask one of us a question "This question is for CEO Jung" he said, Yoon Oh just nod, the reporter asked Yoon Oh in Korean, Johnny leaned to translate it for me "Are you planning to marry Seo Young Hee?" Yoon Oh looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, but not now" he look back to the reporter who asked him "our relationship just started and I'm willing to wait for her go signal" that annoying reporter who asked me stupid questions stood up again, she asked something in Korean and everybody had a weird reaction.

"What did she ask?" I asked Johnny who is looking piss, instead of answering me he replied to that reporter, I leaned to Yoon Oh and ask him since he also look pissed "She asked if you're still a virgin"

WOW! That reporter wants to ruin someone's reputation.

"Johnny told her that I am your first boyfriend, and you hated pervert guys" he translated what Johnny said "Don't worry, Me and Johnny are here for you" He smiled to me.

The rest asked Yoon Oh and Johnny about business and their plans for their businesses.

This type of meetings is really not my style, now I already had 2nd thoughts about studying business

"Is there anyone still wants to ask questions?" Johnny asked, and someone raised its hand.

"Miss Seo, are you going to study college in Chicago? and leave Mister Jung?" I looked at Johnny who just give me a calming smile.

"I haven't really thought about it, I'm scared it might not work well here in Korea, Korea is a new place for me, If it's alright with Yoon Oh that I'll study far from him maybe Chicago" I replied, that question is hard to answer even if it's Johnny who will ask me that kind of question.

"Are you alright if Miss Seo will go back to Chicago Mister Jung?" the same reporter asked Yoon Oh.

"I want to disagree about that, but if she wants to I can't hold her back since I can't just barge into her future decision" He replied.

"Are you going to wait for her?" the reporter asked again.

"I'm willing to wait for her, I'm willing to do anything for her since I waited for the one I love for 22 years" after Yoon Oh replied that annoying woman reporter stand up again for another stupid question.

"What if you go back to Chicago and CEO Jung gets tired waiting for you and goes to another woman, or maybe while you are in Chicago and CEO Jung will cheat on you, what will you do?" can someone just throw her to Han River or somewhere?

"If Yoon Oh really loves me he won't do such thing, it's up to him if he will cheat on me" said calmly.

After that stupid press, we left first before those reporters, that woman gave me a headache.

"Where do you want to eat lunch?" Johnny asked.

"Anywhere" I said, Kun, Lucas, Mark and Hae Chan came "You slayed that reporter" Hae Chan said and we had a high five "Mark and Lucas laughed so hard" Kun added.

"When are you going to give birth?" Mark joked, and Johnny laugh "Next decade" I replied a joke to Mark's joke.

We went to the elevator, Johnny called the velvet to prepare the car in the entrance "You go with Jae Hyun since we won't fit in the car you borrowed, maybe also make children" Johnny said with a stupid joke.

The car arrived in the entrance, we split, reporters are taking videos of us walking into the car.

Holo!! Im back! I saw a comment on my notifications and I suddenly remembered this stories waiting for me to update, anyways I hope you seen YummyJaem on stage, I will giveaway free buckets for your drolls!! HAHAHAHAHAH!! I hope you enjoy and gets comments

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