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Jenna's Point of View

Today is the day that Yoon Oh's dead body is going to return to Seoul, Korea. Dejun wanted to go to his funeral and take the kids with us, at least to have the kids presents on his funeral. We are going to ride same plane as his casket.

Kun took care of everything, Johnny said he will see us in Korea once we all get there.

I still can't believe he really died, sometimes I think if I didn't react that way he won't die that fast, or maybe he could still survive for another day.

Before he was placed inside his casket, I went to see him and checked if it's not a joke or a prank, I may imagine things stupidly, but it's hard to believe since he still manage to punch Dejun.

Seoul, Korea

We landed in Korea, we went straight in the cargo area to see if we transferred Yoon Oh here in Korea, Johnny was already there checking and crying.

Yoon Oh's parents are also there crying with Johnny.

Kun approached them, Yoon Oh's parents looked to our way and look at the kids that Dejun is carrying. I looked down, scared to look at them, for hurting their son and end up dying. They will hate me even more.

A car came to transfer Yoon Oh's body to the funeral homes to have his burial there.

I silently sat at the backseat with the twins, Dejun sat in front with Johnny, while Kun went with Yoon Oh's parents.

"Are you alright?" Johnny broke the silence.

"Yeah" I answered weakly.

"Do you want to go home first? Or just go there straight?" Johnny asked me.

"Just dropped me there, take them home so they could rest" I continue to look away to the skies.

We arrived in the funeral home, I went with Kun and Johnny's car left with Dejun and the twins.

"Why didn't you go home and rest?" Kun asked with a worried look.

"I just don't feel like going somewhere else, I feel someone's presences and somewhat telling me just to go with Yoon Oh or something" I answered him, he just hug me.

"I know you feel guilty and having dreams of him, Jaehyun is just going to miss you that's why your feeling that way" he patted my back.

"I should have introduced him to the twins" I regret not giving him a chance to personally know his own kids, he may not be able to Rest In Peace because of me.

"It's alright, at least you brought them here in his burial since it's what he asked to Dejun" Kun let go of the hug "let's go, I still have to do some paper works to finish" Kun smiled at me and I just can't repay his smile.

I just sat alone in the waiting area. Empty waiting area, creepy waiting area.

I leaned my head to the wall and closed my eyes for awhile.

"Please rest, you've done too much already" I heard Yoon Oh "please worry about your health, I'm alright now" I looked to my left and I saw him smiling in his white buttoned long sleeves and white jeans, just like what he was wearing inside the casket.

I woke up and I saw Yoon Oh's mom right in front of me. I sat up properly, even it's tiring. She took a sit next to me without facing me.

"If I knew this would happen to my son, I should have help him stop his dad from getting married to Yerim" His mother spoke "we took his happiness and now he end up not being able to hug his kids or having a happy ending"

I just nod, not knowing what to say "before his dad found out about your relationship he talked about you, he told me how much he wanted to have a happy family with you, he wanted to be happy even on his last day"

"Before he left Korea, he told me that he will take back everything he left behind, he told me that he will fight for you and the kids, he left with a smile" Yoon Oh's mom started crying hard "those smiles was just fake because of me and his dad, he really did came back with you and the kids, but he is already in a casket"

"I should have gave him what he wanted!" His mom screamed and hug me "I end up killing my son"

Kun and Yoon Oh's dad run towards us "is everything alright?" Yoon Oh's dad asked and I just nod.

"Everything is not alright!" Yoon Oh's mom stood up and pointed a finger "if only you didn't force him to get married to Yerim, he could be happy even you hated Seo so much! It's not Jaehyun's or Seo's kids fault, why are you even blaming them?" She started shouting, Kun went in between them to prevent Yoon Oh's mom to attack Yoon Oh's dad.

"You're right!" Yoon Oh's dad fired back "it's all my fault, it's my fault why ended up marrying you instead of their mother, you don't know how much I suffered when Seo took her away from me and got her pregnant with Johnny, I wanted his kids to feel like how I did!" He looked at me "how do you feel?" I look down and didn't say anything "it's your fault why my son died because of this stupid love! He got blinded by another Seo like how I did!"

"Shut up!" Yoon Oh's mom screamed once again "Jaehyun already left! Because of your stupid choice, he never got a chance to properly meet his kids! And now I'm sure we won't be able to see the kids after this funeral, the only grandchildren we have! Try to think of it, Jaehyun is gone! No one will take care of us once we get more older!"

Yoon Oh's dad was going to slap Yoon Oh's mom, but I pushed her away and get hit instead, hit the ground.

The room became silent after that slap. Yoon Oh's mom slowly kneeled down and look at me.

"You've done enough!" She scream to him.

"I think it's best if you two go home first and take a rest, I will take care of the rest in here" Kun said to them, I slowly stood up.

Kun walked them to their car while I waited in the same place.

Yoon Oh's parents ended up hurting each other's and fighting because of me, I think coming to Korea was the worst mistake I've done, if me and Yoon Oh never met, he could be happy.

Kun came back with a water bottle "what are you thinking?" He asked and I just smiled.

"What if I never came to Seoul? Yoon Oh will be happy on his own right?" I asked Kun.

"Don't say that, he was happy and thankful that you came to his life, you also made him happy and smile" Kun smiled to me "he may be gone, but I know he was happy because even on his last minute he still manage to let you know that he still loves you even you turned your back on him"

"When you left that room, he cried and said sorry, told me that he is happy even though you are upset and angry he still manage to see and say he loves you, even he was already having hard time to breathe he still calls Dejun and asked him some things, I was going to call you, but he stopped me because he didn't want you to see him dying, but on his last breathe he said your name while holding a ring" Kun took out a ring from his pocket "I don't know what does this means, but I guess he wanted to ask you to marry him even his heart is getting worst"

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