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Jenna's Point of View

"Please rest, I don't want you to stress about me" I said, my eyes is still focus on the road.

"I'm uncomfortable of letting you drive, specially it's late night" he replied, I just smiled of what he said.

"Don't worry about me" I replied to this worried human beside "I'm alright, once we arrive your house we can rest"

A few minutes drive, we arrived in his house. His house is big, nice exterior design. Rich people can have a nice house, expensive architect with expensive stuffs they use. Like my brother who loves expensive because 'you can use it for a long time' even though non-living things are just temporary plus you can't have that with you you die.

Yoon Oh brought me inside his house, indeed, I haven't seen a single mess yet or maybe the mess is in his room or kitchen, I mentally laughed of what I thought.

"Do you want anything? Food? Water? Anything?" He asked me while walking towards the kitchen, I followed him in the kitchen "Water will do" I sat on the dinning table and waited for him with my glass of water "Here my dearest" he placed the glass of water in front of me and gave me a back hug "Does my baby wants anything else?" Yoon Oh asked me cutely while I drink my water "I think it's you who needs something?" I looked at him.

His face is extremely close to my face, his the tip of his nose is already touching the tip of my nose, he gave me his cute question look "First, you need bath, then rest" he went to have a seat next to me, he just stared at me cutely "Stop looking at me like that" I pushed his face away from me, but he still continues to do it "will you bath me?" he asked cutely, I just laugh at him.

"You're a big guy so do it yourself" I was about to stand when he grab me, he placed me in his lap "I was just joking and I just want your attention" his arms are hugging my waist tightly "But it's only you and me, you have my attention" I looked at my puppy face boy.

"I just feel like doing it" he said, he loosen his hug, I took off his tie from his collar "are you undressing?" I just laugh, this man is assuming too much.

"I'm just taking it off for you" I replied "You should go and take a shower" I stood up and put the glass in the sink.

"Okay!" He stood up from his seat and took my hand.

We headed towards the stairs then to his room.

His room is clean, well organized, white walls with small black details, King size bed with black and white covers and pillow cases. Across his bed with a large Smart TV hanged in the wall, on the side there is a couch with a coffee table. He also had a big walk in closet and a bathroom with a toilet and wash.

Yoon Oh's home is well organized, I didn't see a single mess in his house yet.

"Feel at home" Yoon Oh said, then he gave me the remote of the TV "Few years from now this is going to be our home with our kids" I didn't mind what he said since his dreams are really wild.

Yoon Oh left the room to have his bath while I'm here looking for some good TV shows or movie to watch, at least to remove the bored vibes in this big room.

After searching for movies, I haven't found anything that interest me. I turned the TV off and went to Yoon Oh's closet to find a shirt to change at least.

I stole one of his plain black shirts, I took off what I'm wearing along with my bra and put the shirt on, I neatly placed my shirt and bra on the chair, I went back to Yoon Oh's room and laid on the bed, I just stared at the ceiling and closed my eyes.

Everything went black, maybe Kun and Lucas took me on a very big shopping day today and unexpected.

The next morning

I woke up in Yoon Oh arms, I was facing his bare chest, his leg was on top of mine while his other arm was under my head and the other on my waist. Yoon Oh's hair is in a mess on his eyes, it covering his eyes, I brushed off his hair from his forehead, he flinched and moved his head closer to me. I look up to the beautiful man sleeping peacefully, he looked so calm in his sleep even he was stressed with office last night, I was about to raise his arm so I could free myself from him, but he pushed me more to his body.

"Stay here please" Yoon Oh said with his cute morning voice "I wanna rest more" I just smiled, I turned myself around. Good thing I found my phone on the nightstand along with my wallet, I took my phone and check if I have a message from Johnny or from my parents, lucky non of them are barging into my phone yet.

I went online to scroll what's new, expected my parents are on the news again with their new partnership to someone from China. I hope this would be another success to them.

Yoon Oh dig up his face to the back part of my neck, I heard him sniffing my hair "your hair smells good" he said "you fell asleep last night and that made me feel sad" he continued and said cutely to me.

I face him and his eyes are still close "why didn't you wake me?" I remove the hair that is bothering his forehead also in his eyes, I wanted to have a view of his face and examine his features one by one to memorize him since he is already claiming me as his girlfriend.

"I didn't want to bother you since you drove me home and you're tired" he opened his eye, he started to stare at me, we completely fell into silence, he cupped my left check and rub his thumb round ways "you made me fell that hard" he grinned widely, he started to lean into me, his nose starts to touch mine, I just closed my eyes "I'll be all yours and no one else" he attached his soft lips to mine, I let him lead the way and take the dominance, I started to feel butterflies in my stomach flying around happily. Yoon Oh kissed more deeper than before, I let him enter my mouth. It seems like he wants more than just a kiss. I placed my hand on his right cheek "I love you so bad" Yoon Oh moan, I was surprised with that he said, it's the first time someone did that to me "I promise, I won't do anything to you" I opened my eyes and he was smiling.

"Do you really have to moan?" I joked while smiling at him.

"I wanted more, but I can't" he pouted at me "you are still young and I'm willing to wait for you, I won't do anything to you" Yoon Oh closed his eyes again "did you sleep well?"

"Yup! I did" I replied to him "I slept comfortably" I added.

"That's what I want to hear from you" he leaned into my neck again "I want to slept more" he pretends to be sleep and snore.

"What about office?" He didn't answer me, I just let him off the hook since he still seems so tired after the work he did "Sleep for another 2 hours then I'll wake you up" he just nod.

"Tell Kun that you'll be late" I almost forgot about Kun.

I let him sleep on the same position, he seems to be comfortable too. I just watched Netflix and turned the volume down so it wont bother Yoon Oh who is sleeping peacefully.

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