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Jenna's Point of View

After that opening, we went back to our classroom, me and Chenle had a chat until people started yelling again.

We look at what's going on, Yoon Oh was in the doorway with flowers in his hands, I look at Chenle and cheered for me and pushed me to stand up.

I went to Yoon Oh who is smiling at the doorway "what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Can't I just see and congratulate you on your first day?" He hand me the banquet of flowers, I smiled at him when I took it.

"I think you are happy for sending me off to hell" I joked.

"I just can't wait when you graduate" he said and hug me "study well"

"Jung Jae Hyun, stop being lovey dovey, the professor is here" Yoon Oh let go and we look at Johnny and the fangirl professor.

"It's nice seeing you here CEO Jung" the professor greeted and they both bowed.

"We will leave now, I'll pick you up after class" Yoon Oh winked and I smiled.

Me and the professor entered the classroom together, while people are gossiping about Yoon Oh scene while ago.

The day just goes by, just a normal university day, class and stuffs that I'm not really interested.

But have to do this just to give what my parents wanted and make them proud.

Good thing the afternoon came really fast and now we are leaving the classrooms, I went to my locker to leave my books.

Chenle becomes part of Lucas, Mark and Hae Chan, they also introduced us to some of their friends which is, Jeno, Renjun, Xiaojun, Yangyang, Jaemin and Hendery. Hendery, Xiaojun, Yangyang and Renjun are also Chinese which Chenle gets close to them right away since they can communicate really well while Jeno and Jaemin are Korean, Renjun is Korean but his nationality is Chinese. Xiaojun is my childhood friend from Chicago which happens he moved here before Johnny did, I'm happy to see him again and being friends with my friends and cousin. Yangyang is also Chinese, but with a German Citizenships. German shepherd perhaps? Amazing right?

The day is not complete if you can't see people or Lucas flirting like they are everywhere.

I walked out of the building with Hae Chan since he offered to keep me company until Yoon Oh is here, lucky when we got out Yoon Oh was already there, standing coolly next to his car, while people are talking pictures and videos.

"Hello my lady" Yoon Oh attacked me a hug "how's your day?"

"Just fine" I simply answered "actually this bitch almost slapped me because I used my family's power to have you for publicity and I should not use her boyfriend which is you" Yoon Oh just laughed.

"She will win 'best actress' on Oscar" Yoon Oh joked.

"You know I'm right here right?" Hae Chan suddenly spoke and we looked at him "anyways just leave and go wherever you guys are going" he said with a wink and left.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now