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Jenna's Point of View

After I fed my brother a nice dinner, we stayed in the dinning area to chat about his work, I felt bad for him for suffering that much, I wish I could help him.

His face suddenly turned serious "what's wrong?" I asked him and he suddenly look away.

"Do you have to go back in Chicago?" He asked with sad tone, it's sad to leave my brother again. Coming here was the best idea we ever had, we can have time for each other's, we get to talk face to face, I get to see him if he is fine with his living.

"I have to go back Johnny, I still have college to go and after that I can stay here as long as you want" I pat his back, I always feel bad for him even it's his idea to live here in Korea, separation is hard but, he wanted to try and live independently. Johnny is strong enough to live like this, without a mother, father and a sister "I know sometimes it's lonely, but it's reality that you entered" I gave him a hug "maybe next time I come back you are already living with the woman the you've always dreamed"

"You are not that young anymore Johnny,you have to go out there and find a woman" I smiled to him "use your flirty skills to woman, not to me" He gave me a flirty wink, I pushed him away in a playful way.

"Is that what you want?" He asked and give me a flirty flying kiss. Can someone give me a baseball bat?

"Did you know?" He started a new topic, I hope this is not stupid "Hae Chan is our cousin" BITCH WHAT?

"You're lying right?" He shook his head "since when did you find out?"

"Since I came here" he turned my shocked face to smiling face.

"We didn't know much about mom's family and it turns out Hae Chan was mom's sister's son" he explained "when I arrived here, Hae Chan came and introduced himself, at first I was alerted since mom told me about her family history with her sisters, then it turned out Hae Chan wasn't after for our money, he just wanted to bond with his long lost cousins, before I wasn't sure about him, but he was just after to get to know us, please don't treat Hae Chan differently, Ok?" I just nod "he maybe evil sometimes, but he is just playing"

"Anyways!" He stood up and went to the kitchen to get water "tomorrow you are going with Kun until the Friday"

"But I already promised to Yoon Oh we will go out after work" I pouted in front of him with my chin in my palms "and doesn't Kun have work?"

"Just tell Kun to drop you at Jae Hyun's" he came back to me with chips "and don't worry about his work, it's his vacation and I'm paying for it"

"You called that vacation?" I raised my right brow "you even asked him to make me go with him"

"I have no choice, I don't want you to be alone and besides you and Kun are a bit close" I just ate a piece of chip.

"So?" I look back at him "how are things with you and Jae Hyun?" He give me that evil smirk. Why do I even have a brother like him?

"We are fine" I just replied without looking at him "what you said was actually true" he was silent, I look back at him and he was smirking like a stupid human being that is about to be sent to Mars "what?"

"So it's official?" He asked. Sometimes I want to rip his face off of his head.

"I don't have a choice, he proposed to me in front of a lot of people watching us" I said then he squeeze my cheeks together.

"Look at you! All grown up, blushing really hard" I gave him a poker face "I promise, he will make you happy, if you only know how happy he is"

"What even are you?" I pushed his hands away and asked him "and how did you know?"

"Well?" I waited for this super slow man beside me to speak "he called me before I went here to eat dinner, he sounded extremely happy"

Sometimes I always wonder why Johnny always sounded like he knew everything about Yoon Oh, sometimes it's really creepy, but I can't hide anything to this kind of human being. Johnny always knows my moves, he knows when I lie, when I'm feeling bad, hiding something alone.

Maybe being close to him was the biggest mistake I ever made, I mentally laughed in my mind.

"You should head to bed now" he kissed my forehead "Kun while pick you up in the morning and have breakfast with him somewhere" I just nod and kiss his cheek "goodnight baby sister" he smiled.

"Goodnight big boy!" I smiled to him and give him last hug "don't stay late" he just nod, I left him there eating chips in the dinning table.

I went back to my room to prepare myself to go to sleep, I took a nice shower, brushed my hair and teeth.

I went to my bed and falls into sleep right away.

HELLO GUYS!! I'm back with a new update and I just remembered that I had an ongoing story.

My class just started last week and I'm starting to be busy, And exams is 2nd week of the month.

I will still have updates.

I you enjoyed the story please leave a comment.

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