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Jenna's Point of View

Days passes by, we are currently going to Busan with Kun, Yoon Oh and Johnny.

Johnny told me not to worry about him since it's not anything bad, I tried to slip it off but it seems like he knew something that I don't know.

I sat with Kun at the backseat while Yoon Oh and Johnny at the front, talking about random stuff like work, and for this small even tonight. Just a dinner to be exact.

We will stay in Busan for 2 days for their short vacation.

Kun was suppose to be back to work, but dear Johnny dragged him with us because 'he is important for today'. Non of us knows what on earth he meant by that.


We have arrived in Busan, we headed to our suite, the four of us share the same suite, me and Johnny shares the same room while Yoon Oh and Kun on the other room.

But weird, there is still one room that is not occupied.

I went to that room to see if there is something when I opened the door.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" I saw my parents hugging, Johnny suddenly came.

"It was suppose to be a surprise!" Johnny stomp like a child while crossing his arms.

"We actually wanted to discuss things with you" our dad spoke, Yoon Oh passed by, looking surprise seeing mine and Johnny's parents.

"Oh, I didn't know you would be here Mr. and Mrs. Seo" Yoon Oh bowed to our parents "it's nice meeting you" Yoon Oh offered his hand for a handshake to my dad then dad took it right away.

"Nice meeting you too Jung Yoon Oh, you've grown so much now" dad patted his shoulder, Johnny and dad also had a fist bump "how's my son treating you?"

"Very well" Yoon Oh smiled with his dimples showing some charm to my dad.

Dad looked at me with his proud smiled sticking in his face with his famous smirk like Johnny's of course "Congratulations for your first ever boyfriend princess" dad messed my hair and I pushed his hands away "awhh, look at my daughter, all grown up" dad said while looking at mom who just giggled at my dad "I'm scared one day my daughter won't come and visit us in Chicago anymore" dad gave us his weird fake cry.

"Ok old man, stop it!" I held my dad "it's not cute" Johnny burst into laughter of what I said and Yoon Oh followed.

"Oh! Mr. Seo" Kun came into the room, my dad's look suddenly change, Kun also bowed to my parents "I didn't know you are here, is there anything I can help you and your wife?" Kun asked dad.

"You've grown so much Kun" mom stepped infront of Kun and brushed his hair.

"Ah, you knew me when I was younger?" Kun asked, mom just replied a nod. Mine, Yoon Oh's attention turned to my mom.

"Really?" Kun has a bright smile.

"Really?" Me and Yoon Oh also asked in union.

Johnny whispered something to Yoon Oh "I will go buy you guys something to eat" Yoon Oh exited the room.

"Kun do you know me?" Dad suddenly asked Kun, I can feel weird air in this room.

"Yes, my role model and the father of my friends also boss" Kun answered my dad confidently, dad suddenly sighed "did I say something wrong sir?" Dad just shook his head.

"Dad" I called out "Are you alright?" Dad just smiled at me.

"Jenna, Johnny" Dad looked at us with a sorry look on his face "I've been a lying jerk to the both of you, all the years passed by you are both blind, you never knew what actually happened when you are younger Johnny, both of you never knew I got someone pregnant years later when your mom gave birth to you Johnny" I looked at Johnny who looks confused "after that, it took me years to win your mother's heart" dad looked at me "lucky your mother still accepted me, I was scared losing you" I looked at out mother looking down.

"I didn't know that, that child actually worked under his brother's company" I turned to Johnny who just looked down "I know you are confused Jenna, I also recently found out too, when I found out that you both are close to your long lost brother, the brother that you never knew he existed, the brother that who always wanted a sibling" I turned to Kun along with Dad "Kun, it is a long story, but I am your real father, the reason why Johnny asked you weird questions is to know if it's really you, we also looked through your profile and they all matched"

Kun looked shocked with what my dad said, I'm at also shocked with what our dad just said.

Dad kneeled in front of Kun "I'm sorry for everything Kun, I know I am a bad father to you, I never looked back to you, I never supported you"

"I wanted to forget about you and your mom because I was scared losing my wife and your siblings, but when my wife told me to at least talk to you and tell you the truth it'd be better for the both of us"

"Sir, I think you got the wrong person, my father died in a car accident along with my mother" Dad held Kun's hands "He felt bad for you and your mom that's why he stepped in since he also liked your mom"

"Sir, you are too high and I can't reach your standards, I'm probably the wrong person" Kun was about to walk away when I hugged him.

"Don't go Kun, I promised to stay with you, right?" Kun dig his face to my neck and burst into tears "He is lying right?"

"I don't know Kun, but I hope not" I held tighter to him "I would accept you"

"But he left me and my mom, he never appeared in my sight before, how could he just show up like this?"

"Kun, forget the past, you have us" Johnny patted his back "Johnny, why?" Kun cried harder, I rub his back in circles.

"I'm sorry Kun, I'm willing to do everything to make you forgive me" Kun cried even more harder when dad spoke, he held me more tighter.

"Kun calm down" Johnny rub circles to his shoulder.

"What do I do Johnny?" He let go of me and looked at Johnny "I'm not even sure about this, I don't want my career to get involve to this, your mother might not like me" Mom went to Kun and hugged him.

"It's alright Kun, you have us, you have your sister and your brother" Kun suddenly kneeled down infront of Mom.

"I'm sorry for the problem that cause you and your husband back then if you want me disappear from your sight I will make sure no to appear again" Kun apologize to mom while mom just smiled.

"Don't say sorry, it's not your fault, I hope you would accept me, I know it's a risk, I will wait for you to call me mom and also your dad" mom also kneeled in front of him and hugged him "I'm sorry if a kind person like you have to suffer like this Kun, I really hope you will accept your dad and make good memories with us, as a family" mom look at me and Johnny and smiled, Kun just nod.

Mom let go of Kun and wiped his tears "take out all your anger, you can always tell us how you felt" Kun only looked down.

"Talk to your father" mom cupped his face, he just nod "let's leave them some space" me and Johnny just nod, the three of us left the room and went to the living room.

I just got home because I was kidnapped by a white van and brought me to the HOTEL DE MADRE(Nun) I was brought there to have quality with Jesus, and some demonic animals, the signal there was so bad, I only had 1 bar of signal and also my phone was confiscated by the nun for a couple hours. I really hope this story will get more readers than before, I really appreciate the votes I got and the readers I received, I don't know who you are, but I hope you will leave a comment.

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