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Kun's Point of View

Jaehyun stopped of his acts, I let Dejun and Jenna go before Jaehyun will think of something.

"Let me take you back to your hotel" he just nod and we walk till we can hail a taxi.

"Kun I've been so lost" he spoke.

We successfully reached in his hotel room and he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Jaehyun I think you should stop" I said to him "don't try to make things worst, I think it's best for you just to thank Dejun that he took good care of your children, he committed to them even they are not blood related"

"Kun" he looked at me "can you tell me how they are living right now? Honestly"

"Well, they lived happily, they are a happy family, they started a life together, Xiao Dejun took responsibilities of the kids, he brought them to best school for them, Xiao Dejun usually wakes up early to get the kids prepared and breakfast, he drives them to school and also picks them up from school, it's either Dejun takes them to his office or they go to Jenna's office and then when they go home, they will just have family time during the night time" I simply explained "they live comfortably and contentedly"

"Does she love Dejun?" He suddenly asked the thing we've been hiding from him.

"I don't know, but they are fine" I made ways.

"I want to take them back" he said in a low tone.

"I should get going" I told him, he held me back when I stood up "can you give this to her?" He went to his bag and searched for something.

He came back with a diary and a envelope "what are these?" I asked him.

"From the white envelope is my will and the diary is for Jenna" he simply said and smiled "I don't think I can still make it long Kun.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Will that all my properties will go to my children, and they will have the shares of the company. They can do anything with it" He replied weakly.

"Why are you giving these to them?" I asked him once again to have more answers.

"For the future Kun" he smiled "I want them to have a bright future"

"If you say so, but take care Jaehyun" I said before I left.

I started to doubt him after I saw him that weak, he seem a depressed or I'm just hallucinating stupid things?

When I went back to Jenna and Dejun's house, the house is a bit dim except for the kitchen lights.

I went to the kitchen to look for them and Jenna was there with Dejun, helping him with Ice pack on his cheek.

"Are you alright?" I asked Dejun and he smiled to me positively "you already got punched, but still managed to smile"

"I think positively so? Yeah!" He cheered to me and I let out a small laugh.

"Do you mind if I steal Jenna for a little while?" He just signal me to take his wife with me.

"What is it Kun?" She asked.

"Jaehyun wants you to have this and this will" I faced the items to her and she looked at me confused.

"Will? Why?" She asked.

"I also don't know why he gave out a Will just like that, but I doubt there is something going on with him" I explained to her "you should talk to him, not shout at him, he don't seemed himself"

"Why should I Kun? When he left me like that, he got married like that?" She started to raise her voice and I held her.

"Just read whats inside this diary or the will" I gave her the items.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now