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Jae Hyun's Point of View

Kun came to our room to wake me up and informed me that we will eat out for breakfast.

Kun left the room right away, I looked at the woman who is sleeping peacefully beside me. I kissed her cheek before waking her up, I swiped off the strands of her hair off her face while calmly called her name, she moved a bit.

"Why?" She whined.

"We are going to eat breakfast together with your parents and brothers" I replied and she just cutely nod like a baby.

"If you don't get up, I will have to carry to the bathroom and bath you by myself" she opened her eyes and glared at me.

"You wouldn't?" She tried to dare me, I scooped her from the bed and she looked surprised "Jung Yoon Oh! Put me down!" She yelled, I continue to walk towards the bathroom and placed her in the bathtub.

"I will take a bath, just go out" I laughed at her cute reaction, I walked out the bathroom and leave her alone to take a bath.

While she took a bath, I went to the closet to pick an outfit for me and her.

I prepared some jeans and a simple shirt for me, I also prepared my girlfriend's outfit, some jeans, a buttoned up long sleeve for her, to tease her more, I took out her sexy black panty along with a bra.

I placed them in the bed and perfect timing she came out of the bathroom with a robe on.

"I prepared your clothes" I smiled to her and walked pass her to go have a bath.

When I closed the bathroom door she suddenly knock on and I gladly opened it "what can I do my lovely lady?" I said sweetly.

"Where did you get my undergarments?"

"Luggage" I answered shortly.

"Please don't touch my underwear next time" I just laughed at her.

"Why not? Next time I'm going to take them off of you" I teased her, she was about to go when I drag her into the bathroom "where do you think you're going?"

"Oh my god!" She looked away "let me out you pervert"

"Your hot, sexy, pervert you mean?" She started to cover her eyes, I laughed at her cute reaction "you know I'm just teasing you baby girl" I kissed her cheek "you know I won't do it when you are not ready, don't be scared" I hugged her and let her leave.

Jenna's Point of View

I walked out the bathroom right away, I thought he was going to do something that I'm not yet even ready.

I'm not like those ladies out there who wants to be touched like a man like Yoon Oh, and that guy scared the shit out of me.

Hohoho my virgin brain, Lord? Why did I have to land to a man like him? A perfect guy like him.

Is this a mistake?

I change into the clothes that Yoon Oh prepared for me right away, before he could finish taking a bath and left the room, Johnny was sitting in the living room with Kun, with a smirk on his face.

"What's up sister? Had morning exercise with your boyfriend?" I wish Johnny is not this kind of perverted brain brother.

"Amazing of you to great me a 'good morning' brother" I said sarcastically and sat next to Kun.

"He thinks you and Jae Hyun had a morning sex" Kun reported while holding his laugh.

"I think you just sold me off to Yoon Oh" I said to Johnny.

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