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Yoon Oh's Point of View

I woke up in an empty bed, I stood up right away to find Jenna.

I looked at the closet, bathroom, but she wasn't there, I went down stairs to find her and lucky she is in the kitchen, drinking water.

"Did a ghost scare you?" she asked me with her cute playful voice, I just nod and hug her "I thought I was just dreaming that I was with you" she snaked her arms to my waist which I found it the best feeling ever.

"I got thirsty, I was going to go back to the room" she said "I really want to go to Namsan tower during the night time" she said while looking up at me, I touched her forehead to check if she is still sick and she is back to normal "you're so cute" I smiled and brush my nose to hers, she poked my right dimple.

"But you are more cute with those cute dimples" I kissed her cheek, she looked surprise "don't look surprised because more kisses to come"

"You should go prepare and change" I told her, she had a confused look, I smiled "Let's go out for a date" she looked really happy, she left me without saying a word.

I already thought how to ask her to be my girlfriend, I really hope this is my lucky day.

I took her here in Han River Park, there are also a lot of couples enjoying their time with their love of their lives. I laid a blanket to the grass so she could sit properly.

"I always come here" I started to speak to her since she is just looking at the river "Really? Do you come here with Johnny or the others?"

"Nope, just me"

"Why?" she looked at me with those loving eyes "Well, I come here to think, to cool off from work, or just think about something" she started to looked curious "Like what?" I just smile and look at the river then look back to her "About you, when can I see you, will it be easy to win your heart, will you accept me, will you look at me not the Jae Hyun that Johnny is friends with, but the Yoon Oh who loves you, or sometimes I just come here to imagine you are sitting next to me" she look surprise with what I said "I'm here now" she smiled and cupped my cheek, I smiled and her thumb starts to rub around my dimple "Thank you for coming to my life, maybe I only have a small time to be with, but I'm willing to fly across the world just to be with you"

She keeps on smiling non-stop, I really don't know how she thinks of me or how she feels for me, I keep showing affection to her to make she fall for me, but I don't know if it's successful or not "Please take care of me" she said "I'll make sure you are safe with me" she suddenly hug me tightly "are you alright?" she just nod "Yoon Oh, what should I do? What if I can't do the same to you? What if I'm going hurt you? Wha-" I made her faced me and attached my lips to her smooth lips, her lips perfectly fit on me, she kissed me back. Does she love me back? or Like me?

Our lips part ways, I smiled to her "You won't hurt me" I said positively.

"I think I'm starting to like you" she immediately covered her mouth, she looked away from me, I gave her a hug "at least you like me, I hope you will love me soon" I kissed her cheek.

After that, I laid my head on her shoulder, I thought about telling her about myself.

"My full name is Jung Yoon Oh, I was born here in Korea and I moved in American when I was 5 years old and I'm 22 years old now" I stopped talking, I took her hand and tangled my fingers with hers, I placed our hands on my lap "I am the CEO of my dad's company since I don't have any siblings, and I really love this woman named Seo Young Hee, but she prefers to be called Jenna Seo, she is the pretty sister of my best friend Seo Young Ho or known as Johnny Seo, she is also rich, her attitude is super rich, she loves the cooking skills of her soon-to-be-husband" she laughed at the last part "I'm not joking about it" I look at her with a serious look and she copied my face then laugh again "You think super advance Mr. Jung" I just smiled "Of course Mrs. Jung Young Hee" she laughed again, seeing her happy is the best thing in this world.

"Come on Yoon Oh, I just meet you last night and now you are like this" I wink at her.

"I'm doing this to make you love me like how I do to you"

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS STORY! For now I received 9 votes and I felt Thankful for voting, I'm hoping for more and I would do my best for this story.

I hope you would invite others to read this story, for now I won't be updating this story for awhile, I will wait for 100 readers and I will update again, sorry for this I just want to know how will this go. Don't worry I always checks it's stat everyday

Thank you so much for reading and for the votes, please leave a comment how is the story for you, who it goes.

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