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Jenna's Point of View

When I woke up in the morning, I was already alone, wearing the shirt that Yoon Oh gave me that was supposed to be his.

Weird? Did I change alone last night?

I went to the bathroom to take a bath and just get prepared myself, people might be dead downstairs or dead up heaven drunk. Haha who knows.

When I went downstairs, I can already hear someone from the kitchen, when I peak in, I can only see Yoon Oh's back and Tae Yong's back preparing and talking.

"Are you ready for the worst?" Tae Yong asked Yoon Oh.

"I don't have any other choice, she will also leave tonight" Yoon Oh replied to Tae Yong.

"What you did last night, what are you going to do about it?" Tae Yong look at him, I didn't want to leave because of my curiosity.

"I don't know Tae Yong I know what will be the consequences in the future, but I really can't stop myself" Yoon Oh and Tae Yong turned off the stoves and Tae Yong pat him "Tae Yong no matter how hard I try to forget her, but my heart still wants to go home to her, I wanted to set her free since she is also getting married to Xiao Jun"

"I know I was extremely drunk last night, I know how stupid I was because I was-"

"-hey" Xiao Jun suddenly came out of nowhere "are you alright? Sleep well?" I just nod, Tae Yong suddenly came out of the kitchen.

"Morning! Sleep well? Breakfast is served" Tae Yong said and Yoon Oh also came out, he looked at me with a pissed face.

"Uhh-" I was cut off by Xiao Jun.

"-yeah! We did"

"Just go to the table" Yoon Oh spoke "we will serve the breakfast" he left the room.

"Come on" Xiao Jun invited me to the dinning area.

"I will go back to my room first" I excused myself and left right away.

I went back to my room and took a seat in my bed.

Someone knocked the door, I went to the door to open it to let him in, instead of coming in, the person suddenly barge in, closed the door and pinned me to the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Please don't do this" Yoon Oh cupped my cheek tightly "I beg you, please don't leave me!"

"I can't do this anymore Yoon Oh, I'm sorry" I tried to push him away, but he was too strong and he started crying.

"I hate you so much, if you come back to my life again" he held his hand up, close to slap me "I don't want to see you again"

He let go of me, harshly "I started to regret meeting you"

"I started to regret everything, I thought you are the person who is good enough for me, person who won't leave, a person who would wait, person who would trust me" he pushed me sideways to move away from the door.

"Yoon Oh I'm sorry, I don't know what to do anymore" I said to him.

"All I asked is you to stay with me!" Yoon Oh scream "if I'll marry you today? Are you going to stay?" People started banging.

"Jae Hyun! Open the door" Yuta yelled from the other side of the door.

"I had a big dream" Yoon Oh looked at me with a deep glare "I dreamt to have a family with you, babies with you, to end up in the same bed as you, to wake up next to you every morning, to have good memories, but I was wrong, you are actually going to do it with" he paused and wiped his tears and gripped my hand "XIAO DE JUN!" He screamed in my face.

"You are going to live happily with kids and dreams, while I'm stuck in this life" I look away from him and kneeled.

"I'm sorry if I can't do what you want, I'm sorry for everything Yoon Oh, I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you, if I was a failure to you" I cried out to him "I won't come back again if that's what you want, I won't show a shadow once again, thank you for everything Yoon Oh, don't worry about me"

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now