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Jenna's Point of View

Today is Yoon Oh's funeral, a lot of people came, friends, family members and some of his workers. Yoon Oh's mom wanted to introduce the twins to some family members.

We are now standing right in front where Yoon Oh's going to get buried, the priest is still praying for Yoon Oh.

Yoon Oh's mom let me and the twins stand right beside them, the twins are really confused by just looking at the casket and Yoon Oh's parents.

Someone handed me a flower same with Yoon Oh's parents and the twins, they put the flowers on top of his casket. I carried the twins.

"Give daddy your flowers and say goodbye" I said to them while tearing up.

"Bye daddy" they both said sadly and confused. I put them down and look at Yoon Oh "I'm sorry, goodbye Yoon Oh" I said before putting my flower.

I went back to the spot where I was standing with the kids, Yoon Oh's mom patted my back and told me 'it's going to be alright', the started to slowly decent Yoon Oh to the ground, and some people already started to cry.

As the funeral finished, Yoon Oh's mom asked me to stay for awhile.

"I know Yoon Oh left a will for the kids, take this" she give me Yoon Oh's house keys "the house is still in same shape after you and Jaehyun fell apart, you are the only one who can open his belonging including safety box with his money and papers" I just nod.

"It's all yours and the kids" she smiled "I hope you will still let us see the kids" I nod with a smile.

"I will bring them here so they could visit you" I said and smile.

"I guess my son is in great place now, I hope he is happy now, no worries" she looked up to the sky and then left.

I went to Johnny's car, where they are waiting for me "can you take me to his old house?" I asked Johnny and Johnny just smiled.

Dejun and the kids went with Kun in another car while me and Johnny head towards Yoon Oh's house.

We arrived in his house without a problem, nothing change in his house, still the same clean house, but seemed really dull and empty.

"No matter how rich or handsome you get, but love is not there to make you happy" Johnny read something from Yoon Oh's photo album with our pictures "he surely is sad without you, he was so depressed"

"He nearly attempt to commit suicide, good thing I came" Johnny said "he was crying so hard, saying how sorry he was, how bad he felt and how he regret"

"I wasn't strong enough for him, I got carried away and ended up like that and now we just end up hurting each other's" I said to Johnny.

"But no matter how much you hurt his feelings you are always his 'One and Only' nothing can change that" Johnny smiled.

The End

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now