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Yoon Oh's Point of View

After the rest that my awesome girlfriend gave me, I prepared myself for work while she offered to make me a late breakfast.

Best feeling ever when the woman you love starts to care for you, do nice stuff.

I feel like jumping at Han River because of this feeling I have right now. I really want to thank Johnny as much as possible for helping me out from the start.

After I prepared myself, I brought my tie with me to the kitchen.

Jenna's Point of View

I felt an arms snaked around my waist, Yoon Oh's chin rested on my right shoulder.

"Let's eat" I said to him, when I turned to him he pulled me closer.

"Soon" I raised my eyebrows of what he said "you'll live here with me" he smiled, he let go of me and I noticed that his tie just hang on his neck.

"Let me tie that for you" I offered and start doing his tie, Yoon Oh just stood there "how come you know how to do this?" Yoon Oh asked me after I done it quickly.

"Johnny used to practice it and he used me as his manikin" he let out a slight laugh "I learned to do it before he could perfect it" I let him sit down on the dinning area.

"I think you learn a lot of things that you can do for me because of Johnny" I just laughed, before putting food in my mouth.

After the breakfast, I drove Yoon Oh back to his office since he left his car there and used the car I borrowed from Johnny.

"Don't work too hard" I said to him after I parked the car in front of the building, I can see people with camera waiting. He replied me a cute nod with a gummy smiled.

"Drive safe, Ok?" Yoon Oh said, I fix his hair because of the strand went to his forehead "You know I look hot when a strand is there" he said with a matching smirk "I should have done it last night" he is being flirty all sudden, maybe letting him sleep a bit more made him do that.

"Stop flirting with me, you are already late" I unlocked the doors so he can step out of the car and I can also go home to have a nice bath and nice new pair of clothes.

"Let's meet up again tonight, Ok?" I just nod with a smile "Let's see"

He was about to open the door when he faced me again "Did you forget something?" I asked and give him a worried look, he just smiled at me.

"Yup I almost forgot to give you this" he suddenly hug me, I patted his back "It's not like you won't see me the next few months" I joked at this weird man who suddenly hugs me.

"I will miss" he let go of the hug and he kissed my forehead.

"If you will miss me, just call Kun and ask him what I'm doing" I pushed him, and he left the car, he wave and I honk the horn before leaving.

I drove back to Johnny's

Johnny's House

I finished preparing myself, I told Kun that we will just meet up at the same cafe, at Taeyong's cafe.

I prepared myself to leave the house again.

I started to drive away the house when my phone suddenly keeps on buzzing, receiving message, probably Lucas or Mark or Haechan pestering me again.


After the drive, I saw Kun sitting with his coffee in the table, I sat at the table.

"Morning" Kun cheered with a bright smile.

"Morning Kun" I sat on the booth "did you have a great morning? You are blooming today" I said to him.

"I'm actually worried about you and Jae Hyun" I gave him a question look "Are you both planning to have your relationship on public?" I just shrugged of what he ask me.

"We didn't talk about it yet, why?"

"Lucas sent me this article about Jae Hyun getting out of the car" He showed me an article with picture of me driving away and Yoon Oh waving at me.

CEO Jung Yoon Oh spotted getting out of CEO Johnny Seo's car, but the driver seems to be a woman.

"Oh My God" I said, I cover my mouth after what I just said.

"You sounded like Mark" Kun said.

"Kun!" Me and Kun turned to the Entrance, Mark, Lucas and Hae Chan came to our way.

The 3 of them sat with us, Lucas leaned near me, Mark and Hae Chan followed "Why are you here? Don't you have class? Lucas you are going to be absent again" Kun said, he started to sound like a mother of these 3 idiots.

"Our class will start at 9:30" Mark replied "So chill out Mama Kun" Hae Chan followed, Kun smacked him in the head.

"Jenna, does Johnny knows about this?" Lucas asked me.

"I just found out about it too" I replied to Lucas.

"I called Jae Hyun after I saw it" Lucas said, we all looked at him "He didn't react much" He continued, he just chilled back "He even said 'I'll check about it' and then he didn't sound like bothered" he suddenly stood up "Do you want something to eat or drink?" he looked us.

After Mark and Hae Chan demanded something to Lucas, Lucas left to order.

"Do you think Johnny will kill me after he finds out?" I asked Kun, since he is the only one who gives proper answer, unlike these 2.

"To me no, Johnny loves you, and Johnny said he will agree and guides you to the bright path" Kun said with full positive vibe, Lucas came back with drinks in his hands, he give me a orange lemonade juice while Mark and Hae Chan has coffee.

We started talking random stuff and people started coming to the cafe, most of them has cameras and phones, taking picture of Johnny's car.

"I think Miss Seo is being followed" Hae Chan said "Do you want to get out?" I just nod.

"Kun and I will get Johnny and Kun's car, wait for us on the next block, Lucas knows" Hae Chan Instructed us, I gave him the car keys, Lucas lead me to the back part of the Coffee, some people followed us with camera.

Lucas took his blazer off and cover me with it. He leaded me away from the cafe.

Kun and Hae Chan with Mark arrived, people are still following us.

"Who are you?" reporter suddenly asked with a mic on her hand.

"Are you dating CEO Jung?" Another reported asked.

A lot of reporters suddenly came, crowding the place, me and Lucas can barely walk into the car. They barged with Korean questions that I can't understand.

Lucas pushed them away to open the door for me, he let me sit on the back sit with Mark.

"Are you alright?" Mark asked, I just nod and hand me my juice, Lucas' phone suddenly rang.

He looked at me while talking whoever that person is, he suddenly handed me the phone.

"Jenna, are you alright? Did you get hurt?" It was John Seo, worried brother.

"I'm fine, they just crowded me" I said positively so Johnny won't get worried.

"I already asked Lucas to take you here in the office, Jae Hyun is also coming for a press" he said.

"Lucas is going to be absent again" I said worriedly, I look at Lucas saying something to Hae Chan.

"We don't have other choice, we have to clear your name, including mine and Jae Hyun as soon as possible so they will not pester you anymore"

"Ok, we'll be there" I said, I give Lucas back his phone.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now